
Tao of Food Preparation Recipes

Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
'Living' E-book

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Solution To an Unhappy Sex Life Day 295 Imagination Redefinition

This is a Continuation of This Blog


In this blog i will be working with the Imagination Dimension
(highlighted with the brown color)

In the next blogs, i will be working on the rest of the dimensions 

Brief Outline:

Fear: the base platform of the mind
Fear of not having a good sex life

The Conscious Mind:
Design of the Conscious Mind

Thought: picture of having sex with DMC
Imagination: 'not enjoying having sex with someone i am not attracted to physically, and assuring myself that this suffering will end.'

The Subconscious Mind: 
Design of the Subconscious Mind

Self-forgiveness Statements

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to
participate in the design of 'fear of survival - as sex - as energy'

imagine myself not enjoying having sex with someone i am not attracted to physically and assuring myself that this suffering will end
believing that i as who i really am is suffering
believing that the suffering is a physical sensation
that is naturally experienced by everyone
believing that physical energy experiences are physical self movements
instead of realizing
it is me as the mind imagining
an alternate version of reality within my mind
an alternate reality that is not here
but somewhere out there
other than here
and then being lived into physical reality

extending the thoughts within my mind
into an imagination
as the personality
as the alternate version of me
experiencing negative energy

believing there is more of me
than here
imagining pictures and making movies out of those pictures
as i connect them to my past and relived the energy
that makes me react with sadness, frustration, loss, pain  and suffering
giving me a negative energy experience
believing that it is DMC creating suffering for me
instead of seeing and realizing it is me who
created the pictures and the movie within my mind
that gives me the 'lessness' of me
that gives me a negative energy experience
believing that i am just being nice
until i reach a point of 'that is it'
the break-up point
where the evil me
imagines myself winning
as i have the upper hand
when i call the shots
when i am the one wanting a break -up

enacting the desire for power
within a relationship
believing i am superior than DMC

the evil me
believing i have more chances of finding a man
than him finding a woman
seeing him as less than me
believing that because he does not know how to perform in bed
he is inferior and i am superior to him

instead of realizing that my desire to be superior
comes from fear of being inferior
so within me saying i want to end the relationship
i am living my fear
as the inferior personality

the positive coming from a negative
my desires fuelled by my fears

instead of realizing i have to face my fears
to through writing, self-forgiveness,
and self-correction in my living application
birth me here as who i really am
equal to DMC - equal to all that exist
as we all come from the dust of the earth
and to dust we shall all return

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself
to use  pictures and words within my mind
to animate the movie that is based on an interpretation of reality
so i can believe it
so it will seem real
so i can compete to win
and have a sense of living life
instead of realizing i am here living life
as the breath in every moment

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to
run away from my fear
and delude myself that i have won
that i am powerful
that i am superior

instead of realizing
i have defined myself within
inferiority and superiority
power and powerlessness
losing and winning

the evil me only concerned
of what will benefit me
what is best for me
within self-interest

instead of
standing for what is best for all life
realizing that what is best for all
is essentially what is best for me

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to
not see and realizie the consequence outflow of this
in the physical body
as it is being resourced to
transform natural energy
from the nutrients
to unnatural energy
for the mind to imagine
for the mind to think
for the mind to exist

within positive and negative energy experiences
needing friction and conflict
for it to exist

not asking myself the question,
could it be possible that,

like a socket on the wall
connecting ones laptop into it
that moment when one connects the wires or the electricity

that the mind resource the body this way also
transforming physicality to energy
so the mind can exist?
and commonsensically answering the question

It is to realize that the physical body
is an organism that is expressing itself here
and that i am the one existing within it
as that breath here

realizing that physical interaction
is an interaction of the body
with another body
as a physical expression

not a mind dimensional shift
not mind bliss and not mind ecstasy

Correction Script

I commit myself to when and as i see myself

extending my thoughts to imaginations
imagining i am having sex with someone i don't like
imagining i am suffering and assuring myself that 
the suffering will end in the near future

I stop

I breathe

i realize this is me as the mind

using pictures and words within my mind
interpreting reality

connecting these to past memories

when i was left with my grandmother 

by my mom
imagining that the pain and suffering 
will end and that one day my mom will come home 

I assist myself to see realize and understand

that these pictures in my mind have no real physical existence
therefore an illusion
that i try to animate when and as i imagine

so it is to stop these illusions

and interpretation of reality
instead, to stabilize me as breath as who i am

walking with another as me

based from the starting point of 
assisting each other to birth self here
as life

rather than selecting a man to be in a relationship with based from 

what is best for me 
within not wanting to be with DJW
and wanting to break up the relationship
fearing being  alone
without someone i can be in a relationship with
so taking DMC on
rebounding from one relationship to another
to fill the gap - perceiving that is how i can transcend the fear
through starting another relationship 
with someone 
who was done in haste
from the starting point of fear
instead of choosing someone
from the starting point of 
walking with someone who is my equal
assisting each other
to birth self here

as the evil me being self-dishonest
to myself and to another as me
believing that he is separate from me

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to 

be in a relationship with someone 
for my benefit 
within self-interest
to not feel alone and sad 
after a break up

I commit myself to select an agreement partner

who i can walk with as an equal
who i am ready to expand or grow with
as who i am, how i am and what i am

physically interacting with another as me

within having sex
expressing me 
within body movement
enjoying the physical sensations
as the breath here

I assist myself to wake myself up 

when and as i see myself imagining
a negative energy experience with someone
to rather
be here as the breath in every moment

to through writing, self-forgiveness and self-correction in my living application
birth me here as life

redefining words and live the redefined meaning of words

releasing the positive and negative values i have given words
to align my spoken and written expression
to who i am, how i am and what i am

I commit myself to focus on the physical

and vocalize physical activities that i do
wake myself up
to what i am doing in the physical
as the self - body - living here
rather than the body - mind - soul
interpreting reality

redefining the word alone
from AL-l al-ONE
existing as an individual separate from all
to AL-l ONE
as an individual
establishing individuality
with the quality
of equality
in its relationship to the whole

redefining the words BREAK UP
from a Mind Definition
BR-oken b-EAK-er  U-nto P-arts
as one perceives oneself 
separate from the whole
breaking the union into individual parts
destroying its completeness 

to  a definition equal to ones expression

redefining BREAK UP
as breaking up the  division within the mind
and be here as who one is - as wholeness

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