
Tao of Food Preparation Recipes

Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
'Living' E-book

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Inferiority, Myself and This World System Day 303

Parenting:Perfecting The Human Race

This is a Continuation of This Blog

The Word 'Inferiority'

What is self-forgiveness?


Self-forgiveness Statements 

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the design of
'fear of survival - as energy'

fear that i will be inferior -suffer, experience pain, suffering, sadness etc.
believing if i do not have money, eternal life, long lasting relationships etc.
I will suffer/be sad
desiring to be superior - for comfort, happiness etc.
believing that if i have money, eternal life, long lasting relationships etc.
I will be happy

instead of realizing i am here as breath moving me as part of this one life

Through this,
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to
doubt who i am
uncertain of who i have become
the one that is experiencing pain/discomfort/sadness
or the one experiencing comfort and happiness

instead of realizing this is me as the mind
desiring  to win
fearing to lose
within polarity
as friction and conflict

Through this,
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to
blame the physical for creating competition
and for feeling inferior
when i lose

instead of realizing it is me as the mind
competing to win 
fearing to lose
within conflict and friction

so it is not about blame
it is me taking self-responsibility
for stopping participation in competition

through this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to
have the excuse that i have to survive
and win
so i can be the best, so i can be superior to others
so i can be happy

instead of realizing 
this is me as 'as my within' - as the mind 
wanting to survive

instead of realizing this is me as 'my without'
impulsing me within an unequal monetary system
to continue to compete to win

believing that 
i have to compete to survive
within self-interest

believing that 
that is what Life is all about
Instead of realizing 
Life is standing for what is best for all 

creating my within' as the mind
and 'my without' as this world system
trapped in my own creation

instead of realizing
i can stop my creation in 'my within'
as the mind
and my creation in 'my without'
as this world system

to through writing, self-forgiviness 
and self-correction in my living
birth me here as who i really am
one who will always stand for what is best for all
as Life

Through this,
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to
justify my excuse that i have to survive as the best
as superior
as the one having eternal life
as the one having lasting relationships
believing that this is the way to be whole
in a world of inequality

instead of seeing and realizing that this is balance in polarity
within winning and losing

Realizing that real wholeness does not need separation from the source

Commitment to Correction Script

I commit myself to face my fear of being inferior
walk back and see that i connected this to a memory
of when my mother's hair was being pulled by someone
pitying her
yet unable to help her
at a young age
abdicating my responsibility to say 'stop'
guilty of what i did
feeling inferior
as a child
unable to help her

and seeing all the poor people in a third world country
suffering without food, shelter and medical attention

suppressing the feeling of pity
that i felt for these people
guilty that i am unable to do anything
to have a world of equality
where all will be given equal access to the basic necessities of life
believing i am just a child, helpless
feeling inferior

creating me in 'my within' as the mind
and 'my without' as the world system

I assist myself to breath through the fear of inferiority
and desire to be superior

I assist in establishing an equal money system
so i will not be impulsed continously
by an unequal monetary system
to compete to win

I commit myself to when and as i see myself doubting who i am
split in my awareness
within conflict and friction
I stop
i breathe
i realized this is me as the mind
believing i was not able to help
when help is needed by my mom

i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to feel guilty
that i was unable to help my mom
seeing her hair being pulled by someone

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to  feel guilty
that i was unable to create a world based on equality where
people compete with one another
rather than give another what one wants for oneself

I commit myself to instead of feeling guilty
stabilize myself as breath here
taking self-responsibility
where i can say 'stop'
when and as i see someone taking advantage of someone

to through writing, self-forgiveness and self-correction
applying myself in my living
birth myself here as who i really am, what i am and how i am

I commit myself to take self-responsibility for all parts of me as life
and see how i created 'my without' as this world system
walk back and forgive, correct and apply myself in my living
assisting in establishing a world that truly honors life

I commit myself to when and as i see myself blaming the physical for creating competition
I stop - I breathe
realize that it is me that is taking self-responsibility for all parts of me as life
as the physical/nature is already giving all equally
the bounty/produce of the earth
taking self responsibility for/as All Life

I commit myself to when and as i see myself having an excuse
that i have to survive as the one that wins, the one that is the best, the one that is superior
in a world of competition

I stop and breathe

I assist myself to create a world that is based on equality
where all are being given equal access to the basic necessities of life

I commit myself to when and as i see myself justifying my excuse to be whole
I stop - i breathe
realize that it is balance in polarity and not real wholeness

Real wholeness does not need separation from the source

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