
Tao of Food Preparation Recipes

Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
'Living' E-book

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

2012 The Body: Chidhood: 'Who Am I?' I Am The ' Cover Nipples With Bra' Character Day 101

This Blog is The Continuation of These Blogs:
Judging The Breast Character
The 'Nipple' Character
The 'Madonna Nipple' Character

Stepping Out of the 'Cover The Nipples' Character

When I was in my teens my Dad told me that I have to go to my room and put on a bra - when he spotted me at home not wearing one. I obeyed what he said - without questioning it or looking at it from the starting point of - who I really am - as equal to the body- as the breast- as the nipples. I call this the 'cover the nipples with bra' character. I am stopping this character using self- forgiveness and commit myself to correcting myself in every moment of breath - to birth me here as life- standing for what is best for all.



I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realise and understand that my dad is capable of seeing that my exposed nipples can activate sexual pictures in his mind - existing within a point of covering up my dad's mind participation  in sex just because he is my dad

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to  believe that sex is dirty and my dad is good - so cannot possibly think of sex - not realizing and understanding that he is a character just like me

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that my dad is a saint - because i saw him as more than me - defining myself within the idea that my dad is special

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realise and understand that i am activating sexual thoughts in the mind of men when showing nipples.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself within what my father likes me to do - perceiving myself separate from the body - as the breast - as the nipples - where I did not see that i am judging my expression -as the breast as the nipple - unaware of the consequence of what I accept and allow.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the breast and the nipples have to be covered inside or outside the house.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge the breast and the nipples as less than myself and me more than myself - believing that it is bad to wear a shirt or dress with no bra onThrough this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that it is good to wear a t-shirt and a dress with bra on because my dad wanted me to do that  - where I defined myself within what my dad wants me to do or not want me to do. Within this, i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to define myself within what my dad wants and does not want me to do- defining myself within obedience and no obedience - supporting the family living as characters within/as my mind  . Within this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to define myself within obedience and no obedience - desiring the positive energetic experience from living as the alternate version of me - being liked by my dad - being the favorite daughter - and fearing losing that - not realizing i am here equal to all that exist. i cannot lose me because i am here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself within the 'cover the nipples with bra' character.- defining myself within  energy - consuming the very substance that I am equal to/as-as the physical, transforming it to energy so I, as the mind can use it in an alternate reality where I exist as an alternate version of who I am- spiting the physical/ body and justifying my existence as energy by being enslaved by family rules and social norms as agreements of characters within it - which I uphold to validate the character I have chosen to be and become - not realizing that I am here as breath - as flesh - as the substance - as the real character - equal to all that exist. Within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I have to conform with the culture in my country about how I should and should not present myself - as the body- not realizing I am suppressing my expression as who I am as self..

I forgive myself to desire positive energy experience from obeying my dad coming from a negative energy experience of not obeying my dad - not wanting to experience the pain of being whipped with my dad's belt and negative words said inside and outside the house to friends and family  -where I saw how my sister and my brother displeased him and how they were punished - him judging what they do as wrong - withdrawing his affection to them - and me fearing the loss of affection as i desire the positive energy experience that i get from being obedient..- which i believed made me whole - not realizing i am here as breath in every moment not defined by energetic experiences.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself defining myself within what my dad wants and not want - I stop - i breathe. I change my starting point - to instead of going inside my mind and define me within positive and negative experiences - I bring myself back here as who I am - as equal to the body/physical and look at how I can express myself as who I am equal to the breast, nipple and bra .

I commit myself to delete the ' cover the nipple with bra' character as the memories, pictures, experiences, as desires within and as myself - and let go of the separation -as energy and the physical- as desires, beliefs etc. within and as myself and stand with the physical in every breath that i take

I commit myself to when and as i see myself defining myself within culture - i stop - i breathe and assist myself to express me as who i am as culture - redefine it and live it as an expression of who i am.

Self- commitment 

I commit myself to expose myself and whoever it is that is that is participating in the mind

I commit myself to  see/realise and understand that my dad is not a saint

I commit myself to see/ realise and understand that when i do not wear a bra it can invite people to have pictures inside their mind - so for me to wear a bra nt because i want to please my dad or anyone bu it is commonsensical in a society that is powered by advertisements and commercials that suggest or connect nipples with sex

I commit myself to when and as I see myself judging the body as the breast as the nipples - as more than or less than me - I stop and breathe. I change my starting point to instead of judging - stand as equal to/as the body and express myself as that.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself defining myself as the 'cover the nipples with bra' character - I stop - I breathe and change my starting point - to instead of defining my self within a character - that is an alternate version if me - I bring myself back to the physical and touch the floor or the earth - and see me as who I really am - the real character that exist in this physical existence - not defined within a polarity- but is here breathing, doing and using commonsense - standing for what is best for all.

I commit myself to delete this character and all characters related to this one - which I created in my mind - as memories, as pictures, as desires etc. - within/ as myself and let go of the separation as desires etc. Within and as myself and stand with the physical in every breath that I take. I commit myself to when and as I see myself desiring positive energy by obeying my dad - I stop - I breathe - and just express myself as who i am  as the body standing for what is best for all life.

Backchat Or Back talk:
'Why is he asking me to wear a bra? Whys is it bad to not wear a bra? I guess i should always cover the breast and nipples with bra when inside the house and outside - that is what is proper and that's what i will do so they will always be nice to me.'

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to use backchat as a method to know something - where i question why my dad is asking me to wear a bra in the house - rather than ask him why is this so- which is commonsensical to do - i became fearful of challenging that authority figure - as the 'i am shy to ask ' character that i believed is who i am - and instead of bringing me back to reality  and ask him - i decided to go within my mind and figure it out there in an alternate reality that has no real physical existence - desiring the positive energy that comes with figuring out the whys of life - coming from the negative polarity experience of the 'i don't know' character - justifying my existence as the alternate version of me as the 'cover the nipple with bra' character- believing that when i find out inside my mind - and know - i will be whole - not realizing i am here as breath in every moment equal to all that exist.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to use backchat as a method to define myself within the 'knowing is power' character - where i start with the negative experience of me as the 'i don't know why' character cycling through the positive polarity of me as 'knowing is power' character - fearing losing the 'knowing is power' character - justifying ones existence as this character - because  of the belief that i am not whole when i do not know and i am whole when i know - through this, i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that i am not whole when i do not know the reason why something was said by my dad and i am whole when i know  the reason why something was said by my dad - defining myself within knowing and not knowing - within this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to define myself within knowing and not knowing - judging knowledge and information more than me and me less than myself - not realizing that information consist of words that are equal to who i am - as all life.

I commit myself to when and as i see myself using backchat as a method to know what my dad meant when he said to go inside my room and put on my bra - i stop - i breathe and bring me back to the physical and look at the commonsense of asking him rather than figuring out the answer within/as my mind.

I commit myself to when and as i see myself defining myself within the 'knowing is power' character - i stop - i breathe and  realize that the reason why i do this is because i define myself within/as the negative, neutral and positive energetic experiences that gives me a sense of existing as if i am alive - defining myself within movement friction and balance - as the alternate version of who i am - not realizing i am here as the substance/physical as a real character not defined by positive, neutral and negative energetic experiences.


Body Movement:
Feet  stopping, eyes looking up above to listen, then looking up to the left and then looking up to the right

I forgive myself  that i have accepted and allowed myself 'as the eyes' looking up above manipulate myself to listen to what he was saying within/as my mind

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself  'as the eyes' looking up to the right manipulate myself to define myself within right and wrong as i go within/as my mind to figure it out why it is right to cover my breast and nipples with a bra when wearing a shit, a t-shirt or a dress

I forgive myself  that i have accepted and allowed myself 'as the eyes' looking up to the left manipulate myself to go inside my mind to figure out what's wrong with having a t-shirt  without a bra on

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself 'as the feet' manipulate me to stop and listen to what my dad was saying as the mind.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself 'as the feet' manipulating me to stop to listen within my mind - i stop - i breathe and assist myself to  listen to my dad as here.

I commit myself looking up to when and as i see myself 'as the eyes' manipulating myself to listen to what he was saying inside my mind  - i stop - i breathe and assist myself to be here as i listen.

I commit myself  to when and as i see myself 'as the eyes' looking up to the left manipulating myself to figure out what's wrong with wearing a t-shirt, a shirt or a dress without a bra on - within/as my mind - i stop - i breathe and assist myself to be here by stomping my feet to the ground to indicate the reality of who i am as here. -as the physical - equal to all that exist

I commit myself to when and as i see myself ' as the eyes' looking up to the right manipulating myself to   figure out why it is right and proper to cover the breast and the nipples -within/as my mind - i stop - i breathe and assist myself to realize i am here - by stomping my feet to the ground - to ground me and remind me of who i am here - equal to all that exist

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