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Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
'Living' E-book

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

2012: 'Who Am I?' I Am The 'Judging the Breast' Character I Chose to Become: Beauty Day 94

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I am doing self-forgiveness and self corrective application in this blog - and stop this character because i created this in my mind - in an alternate reality where i exist as an alternate version of who i am. I am birthing myself as the real character - as who i really am as self- that stands for what is best for all   life.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to define myself within the 'judging the breast' character -  as memories from the past - where i believe that breasts that are neither too big nor too small are 'nice' and very small breasts and very big breasts are ugly - not realizing that breasts are made of the same substance the earth is made of  - and that all came from that same substance all are made of - through this, i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to judge breasts that are neither too big nor too small - as more than myself and breasts that are very small and very big - as less than myself - judging the body - and that these beliefs, judgments and self-definition -was created by me in my mind - an alternate reality i created where i have an alternate version of me -  and all other manifestations/expressions - and this is where - i compare, judge etc. - an illusion that i live in the physical in the words that i speak, write and the actions or body movements that i do - and the physical body becomes the source of this energy i use - accumulating  and then losing energy, accumulating again and then losing energy again - consuming the flesh as the physical and mining it for energy. Through this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to desire the 'moreness' of me as positive energy experiences when i see 'nice' breasts as the 'judging the breast' character, where i compare alternate versions of myself and others - judge and get jealous as i design competition within my mind -  where i always win - without considering the consequence - which is the external reality mirror of what is within - where characters in this world compare, judge and get jealous of one another - where countries compare, judge and get jealous of one another creating war, consumerism, the beauty industry etc.

''That's a nice well formed breast. She can wear those revealing clothes because of that . I wonder how i will look in those clothes? 
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to use backchat as a method of living through the 'judging the breast' character where i design competition within comparison, judgment and jealousy.

I commit to when and as i see myself using backchat to live through the 'judging the breast' character - i stop and slow down - and be aware of me as breath - doing the 4 counts breath and changing my starting point. 
I commit to delete this 'judging the breast' character - as desires, beliefs , comaprisons, judgments, backchats etc.within and as myself and let go of the separation as desires etc. within and as myself - and stand with the body in every breathe that i take. 

Body Movement:
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to use body movements as a method of living through the definition of me as the 'judging the breast' character - by focusing on the breast and - with eyes open - holding my breath - desiring positive experiences by looking at well-formed breasts and judging them as 'nice' and - laughing when judging very big breasts and very small breasts as 'ugly'. 

I commit to when and as i see myself living through the 'judging the breast' character - i stop and slow down - be aware of me as breath - as the 4 counts breath - stop looking at the breasts -walk through the energy - as experience - and change my starting point as i stand with the body in every breath that i take.
We Are The Collective Characters we Choose To Become 
Self-forgiveness for Creating This World - through the Abuse of Money:
I forgive myself  'as the beauty enhancement or plastic surgery industry' that i have accepted and allowed myself to abuse the body  as the breast etc. by reshaping it for profit 
 I forgive myself 'as the plastic surgeons' that i have accepted and allowed myself to survive by reshaping the body for beauty - for profit
I forgive myself 'as the elite to use money to reshape the body for beauty - not realizing that the body is an organism - that has a say in all this - and the individual that is deciding in its behalf has to recognize this truth - and that the money one is using to beautify oneself belongs to all - and to have more than others is accepting and allowing inequality - which is not life .

I commit myself to expose industries that support judging breasts and the physical body 
Self-forgiveness for Use Of Energy To Feel Good Within Spirituality:
I forgive myself  'as the gurus' that i have accepted and allowed myself to judge the breasts as less than myself believing that body parts used in sex like the breast and the sexual organs has to be covered in temples and places of worship because they stimulate desire - not realizing that it is oneself that is desiring and stopping oneself from participating in desire is commonsensical - and the aversion to see breasts as the polarity of the desire to see breasts is also mind participation - and that one is cycling from positive to negative experiences when one does this - where it is also a way of using energy and mining the body for energy -  not seeing/understanding that the breast is part of the body that is made of the same substance all are made of  - as Life

I forgive myself 'as the devotees' that i have accepted and allowed myself to copy the guru - and believes what the guru believes - where when the guru says, 'cover your breast inside the ashram' - i cover my breast  - as a battery operated programmed individual - seeking the accumulation of positive energy through covering my breasts in churches, temples, ashrams etc. because the guru says so - not realizing that i am here as breath - self-directive and able to see the commonsense that the breast is made from the same substance all are made of - and that it is equal to all that exist.

I forgive myself 'as the religious community' that i have accepted and allowed myself to promise people eternal life, liberation from the ego,  if one covers the breasts and not look at breasts - thus manipulating  oneself to become 'moral' for religions sake - not realizing that this is a form of self-suppression where the breast is also judged as less than oneself.

I commit to when and as i see myself defining myself within the 'judging the breast' character - i stop and look at who i really am as self. I become aware of me as breath. I slow down and change my starting point from me as the alternate version of me defining me, believing, comparing, judging, becoming jealous, desiging competition and desiring positive experiences, desiring and seeking the 'moreness' of me as the 'nice breast' character - seeking positive energetic experiences when looking at breasts that are not too big or small  - to who i really am as the breath in every moment here - where when i am looking at pictures, videos, movies, in the mall, visiting friends etc. i flag point myself and direct myself to stand as who i am as self. 

I commit myself to stand here as  breath and to delete the 'nice breast' character and all that comes to my awareness as an energy of experience - of feeling within and as myself and breathe through the energy - as experience- as character- and not to allow the character to direct who i am as breath in every moment but to instead move through the energy as experience as feeling - as i have realised that once i have moved through the experience as feeling within and as myself - i remain.

I commit myself to show that our individual mind participation mirrors the external world and what it has become - where collectively we agree that to judge breasts as either nice or not nice - is okay - not realizing and understanding that we are in a real world  governed by physical laws and consequence - and that whatever we accept and allow as who we are - as people who judge - manifests a world where judgment is accepted and allowed - such is true in the media, in the beauty industry etc.This is how we accept and allow ourselves to consume the physical and transform it to energy - for the mind - to exist within energetic experiences - seeking for positive energy within beauty, nice breasts, nice clothes etc. - all because we want to feel good - not realizing and understanding that doing this long term will consume the very substance we all came from. 'Till here no further!

I commit to through writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application - i will assist myself to stop living through this character.

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