
Tao of Food Preparation Recipes

Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
'Living' E-book

Wednesday, March 31, 2021


Positive and Negative

In this blog, i am looking at my beliefs about positive and negative experiences - forgiving myself and writing commitment statements

Forgiving Myself
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that life should be always positive - and that there should not be any negative experiences happening in my world

When and as i see myself having a belief that life should always be positive -without any negative experiences, I stop - I breathe. I realize this is me creating a polarized view of life based on my judgment of what i see - as positive or negative, creating a split within my perception of this world

Rather than see that life includes all - equal and one

I commit myself to see all life as equal and one

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Sales Competition Winning & Losing

Sales Competition, Winning & Losing

In this blog, i am looking at competition in sales and the desire to make a profit - within self-interest, forgiving myself and writing commitment to correct myself

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that there should be a loser and a winner in every sales competition and the winner should be me  - within self-interest, where when i lose, my energy level goes down and when i win my energy level goes up - creating stress within me - all because of the movement of money coming in or the stopping of that

When and as i see myself having a belief that there should be a loser and a winner in every sales competition and the winner should be me, I stop - I breathe. I realize that we do not really need to compete in sales since sales is about exchange of products and/or services using money and that the sales competition is part of our desire to get more profit - within self-interest, and it is not okay to expose the body to stress just for that purpose

I commit myself to see that competition is not needed in sales 

I commit myself to remain here as the breath when i sell

Monday, March 29, 2021

Self-interest Ownership & Profit


In this blog i am looking at a business as an organization, its business relationships, its profit distribution etc. - identifying my mistakes, forgiving myself and opening the door for correction


I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that since i have a business, i can  profit as much as i want from it because i own this business - within self-interest

When and as i see myself having a belief that since i have a business, i can profit from it as much as i want because i own this business, I stop - i breathe. I realize this is me seeing ownership as having more value  and is using it as a tool for making me rich - within winning, competition & self-interest

Rather than see that a business is an organizational entity composed of people who are my equals and the  clients & other businesses we deal with are also composed of people who are also my equals

I commit myself to see a business as an organizational structure that is equal to life - considering each person in that organization as equal to who i am - governed by the principle that considers what is best for all - in terms of profit distribution, interaction with clients, other businesses etc.


Sunday, March 28, 2021



In this blog, i am looking at my belief based on self-interest, forgiving myself and writing a commitment to open the door for correction

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that in life my needs should be first before others - recalling a memory of me in school, where my grades need to be above average - where i need to be a lot more intelligent than the rest - a sort of a genius, so that i can pass all tests with flying colors, graduate with honors and  never run out of money - associating to it, both a positive and a negative energy experience 

When and as i see myself having a belief that in my life my needs should be first before others, I stop - I breathe. I realize this is something i learned from movies i watched and dialogues i heard from adults that i came across with, in my life - which i adopted and believed as true 

Rather than see that I have needs and others have needs and we share those basic needs so its commonsensical to stand for what is best for all of us and look at some pilot projects that will show how we can give all money, so we all can get our basic necessities

I commit myself to see that i am here sharing this life with others and that we all need to get the basic necessities to survive


Saturday, March 27, 2021




In this blog, i am looking at the media - and the so-called "balanced programming" that is not really balanced but is a money making scheme - forgiving myself for doing the same thing as a saleswoman before and opening the door for correction

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that i should obey the media and follow their recommendation 
because they are into balanced programming - where both sides are represented 
Recalling a memory of me doing that in sales where i am giving the potential client both sides of things for them to make a decision which  in the end is geared to make them buy the product i am selling  -  charging the presentation with a positive or negative emotion depending how i want to manipulate the potential clients and the motive being self-interest - me making money

When and as i see myself believing that i should follow the media and take their recommendation - within the belief that they are into balanced programming, i stop - i breathe. I realize this is not "balanced programming" but exploiting both sides to make money from both sides where i become the winner in the end - since if they buy the product, I will make money.
My sales techniques, geared towards making money based on self-interest is driving the media 

So I commit myself to change  who i am when I sell & who i am  within how i sell

Thursday, March 25, 2021



In this blog, I am looking at desire to be intelligent, forgives myself & commits to correct myself

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to desire for myself, my kids and my grandkids to be intelligent - to ensure that they will be able to earn a lot of money - so they will survive in this world and will never go poor

When and as i see myself having a desire for myself, my kids and my grandkids to be intelligent, i stop - I breathe. I realize this is me expressing a desire that is brought about by watching the media and how intelligence is being given superior value and stupidity being frowned upon in movies etc. 

Rather than see that  I can use commonsense in my day to day life 

I commit myself to see that life is not about intelligence but commonsense

I commit myself to see that i can use commonsense and stand for what is best for all when i need to decide on something


Judgment In Sales: The Best Product


In this blog, i am looking at how i use judgment and comparison when selling a product - so i am forgiving myself for my mistakes, writing a commitment and correcting myself

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to judge the product i am selling as the better product than the competitor - believing that if i believe that and say that to the potential buyer and prove it to him through logic, i can get the sale and can earn money 

When and as i see myself judging the product I am selling as the better  product than the competitor's, i stop - i breathe. I realize all products come from one source - the physical universe, so rather than compare and judge my product as better than the competitor's, i look at the commonsense in speaking the facts without resorting to comparison and judgment

I commit myself to see the commonsense in speaking the facts without resorting to comparison and judgment


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Jealousy In Sales


In this blog, i am looking at jealousy in a sales team - of which i was a part of in the past, forgiving myself for my mistakes and opening myself for correction

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to get jealous with other sales colleagues  when they sell more and earn more than me - within that is me resentful that they will have more money than me and they can get what they want while i cannot - so its resentment for the result of my comparing them to me - and then judging that person as someone who has more in terms of popularity & earnings/money, so is better than me and within that is me being jealous of this person - resentful that i have less than another 


When and as i see myself get jealous with other sales colleagues, when they sell more and earn more than me, i stop - i breathe. i realize this is me comparing myself to the person  and judging myself as either having more or less value than the person - where when i get devalued in my mind i would strive to be better in my mind by criticizing this person or finding their  faults  - going into the past and searching stored data about them which will show me they did a mistake - which will come up in my mind again and again to make sure i win the competition going on in there - which gives me a feeling I have won

I commit myself to see that sales is about exchanging products and/or services for money and as such there is no need for competition

I commit myself to see that my value as a person is equal to the value of the other person 

I commit myself to see that i do not have to compete to win because life is not about winning - it is about re-birthing ourselves here and seeing we are equals - expressing to our optimum potential 


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Relationship Competition

Relationship Competition

In this blog, i am looking at what is happening in my mind as i compare myself with my ex-husband now that we are living separate lives and in the process compete - forgiving myself for that and writing  commitment statements to open the door for correction

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to compare the way i walk my process of self-awareness to my partner now that we are living separate lives - and within that, judge his as slow and mine fast - where i see myself winning  based on my erroneous assessment of things  and since there is always a loser in a competition, i make sure that that is not me , but him - so that i end up having more plus points that will make my value more -which makes me feel good about myself - showing me that without him in the erroneous equation in my mind which i created based on fuzzy logic, i will have no one to compare with - and will be looking at myself, which usually leads me to boredom - which is really me using him to create some form of entertainment - and if he is not enough to give me a good feeling, i put in other characters - as in a movie,  which will give me a bigger playing field - so, when i lose on one of those competitive games, i can win on the other games  - where my value depends on winning games with the mind characters i created - which is not my real essential value and  not his real essential value


When and as i see myself comparing the way i walk my process of self-awareness to my partner now that we are living separate lives, i stop - i breathe. I realize this is how i entertain myself when i am bored - where i compare myself to others, who i separated  myself from in my mind to have something to "munch" about - where my value depends upon another's value which can be more or less depending on what game i have to play to be entertained - where deep within, i fear looking at me - because i am unaware of who i really am  

I commit myself to look at me, and see who i really am as the breath

I commit myself to see me in relation with myself



Monday, March 22, 2021

Sales and Competition



In this blog, i am looking at competition in sales, forgiving myself for participating, and correcting that

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to desire to compete to become the number 1 
saleswoman in the company so that i will have the 4 things i need - popularity, validation, money and status


When and as i see myself desiring to compete to become the number 1 saleswoman in the company, i stop - i breathe. I realize that to compete, i need to compare the number of sales i have with another sales person, then i will judge myself and the other person based on how many sales one has, and then jealousy will develop between me and the other person. This is not best for all of us since this can create stress in the body and mind

I commit myself to see that selling is about exchanging of product or service for money

I commit myself to see that sales is possible without competition

I commit myself to see that who i really am is here as the breath and that is enough

Sunday, March 21, 2021



In this blog i am looking at ownership - forgiving my belief, and writing a commitment to correct myself

Forgiving Myself 

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that when the ownership of the product i bought is transferred to me because i paid for it with my money - no one has the right to own it but me  - and i have the right to do whatever i please to that product without anyone interfering 


When and as i see myself having a belief that when the ownership of the product i bought is transferred to me because i paid for it with my money, it becomes my possession, i stop - i breathe. 

I realize that the raw materials used to make the product i bought is from the earth - so essentially, it belongs to all, since the earth has given all its raw materials/resources to all of us equally

I commit myself to see the essential value of things I own and its real owner

I commit myself to open the door for others to have the products that come from the earth that will assist one to express to ones optimum potential.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Sales & Money

Sales & Money

In this blog i am looking at what sales really is - forgiving myself for doing sales based from a belief that i learned from other sales people and correcting myself practically

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that to earn money from sales I need to do what  the sales professionals do - lie and manipulate others - where i compromise my self-process just to survive, because if i don't i will not be able to sell and earn money

When and as i see myself having a belief that to earn money from sales, i need to do what the sales professionals do, i stop - i breathe. I realize sales is exchanging a product or service for money 

I commit myself to sell knowing that i am exchanging products or service for money - equal and one


Friday, March 19, 2021

Sales & Food

Sales & Food

In this blog, i am looking at food, my client & sales  when i had a business - forgiving myself as I look at points i missed, releasing that and opening the door for correction.

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that when i am making and selling raw food to others, i need to make it extra tasty  so that they will keep coming back for more orders so that i will earn money continuously  

When and as i see myself having a belief that when i am making and selling raw vegan food to others, i should make it tasty, i stop - i breathe. I realize that my starting point should not be to add value to myself by selling tasty raw food preparations and earning more money from it - where i am not seeing and realizing that sales is exchanging  a product or service for money - with equal value, so my need to make the food extra tasty is me catering for my mind's desire for validation and hope of earning money to survive longer, rather than what sales really is - exchanging money for products with equal value

I commit myself to see sales as what it is - exchanging products and services for money

I commit myself to see the products, services and money as equals

I commit myself to see the people i am selling to as equals

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Real Estate Sales

Real Estate & Sales

In this blog, i am looking at real estate and sales - the mistake i did in the past as a real estate agent in the Philippines, forgive myself and open the door for correction

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to desire to earn money in sales - and in the process, lost myself 

When and as I see myself desiring to earn money in sales and in the process lose myself, i stop - i breathe. I realize i am trying to earn money in sales directed by a set of rules set by the trainer - not me directing me

I commit myself to see sales as what it is 

I commit myself to direct my sales process to what is best for all  

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Youtube Sales & Money 2


Youtube Food Videos Sales & Money

In this blog i am looking at my starting point in making videos, forgiving myself and opening the door for corrections

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that because there's not many views in my food cooking videos, i need to change the way i present it because marketing is about people liking my videos so that i can get leads - then,  i can sell recipe ebooks to them later on and other products i want to sell so that i can earn money and survive


When and as i see myself having a belief that because there's not many views in my food cooking videos, i need to change the way i present it, I stop - I breathe. 

I realize this way of thinking is based on money making rather than expressing myself here as who i really am

I commit myself to change my starting point and align changes in the way i present my videos to what is best for all 

Monday, March 15, 2021

Money & The Homeless


In this blog i am looking at how i suppressed my reaction when i saw the homeless in the subway, forgiving myself for suppressing my reaction to stress when i see them having no provisions for basic needs, and opening the door for correction

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to suppress my reaction to stress  - seeing the homeless in the subway -
1 With dirty clothes - not having clean clothes that they can use 
2 With no water to clean their body and their clothes
3 With no money to buy food when they are hungry
4 Having to beg for food and not sure they can get any from passers by -so having to deal with starvation
5 Feeling cold and wet (during winter) because they do not have jumpers to keep their body warm
6 Sleeping on the train seats without pillows to give comfort to their head
7 They do not have a home to go to where they can sit and eat nutritious meals
8 They do not have basic things they need to survive

When and as i see myself suppressing my reaction to stress when i see the homeless in the subway having no provisions to get their basic necessities, i stop - i breathe. 

I realize this suppression of my reaction is to make it look normal and pretend they do not exist - when it really isn't normal and the fact is - they do exist. 

Poverty should not exist because the earth gave all of us resources equally

I commit myself to be here as breath

I commit myself to stand for what is best for all and see how equal money for all can be a reality - starting with the introduction of a Universal Basic Income


Sunday, March 14, 2021



In this blog i am looking at tooth extraction pain etc. - forgiving myself for incorrect beliefs & fears related to that - opening the door for correction

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear the pain caused by tooth extraction - recalling a memory of me in the elementary grades going to the Dentist for him to extract my tooth and suffering the pain of that - associating it to a negative energy experience - making it difficult to see the role of the teeth in my mouth and the role of the Dentist

When and as i see myself having fear of the pain caused by tooth extraction, i stop - i breath. I realize that there is suffering involved in the past but i am here now in the present  - so i can release that memory of the past and be here in this moment 

I commit myself to see physical pain from tooth extraction as what it is - pain due to tissue damage, nerve irritation etc. and acknowledge my role in making that happen 


I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the saliva is just there because it's just there

When and as i see myself believing that saliva is just there because its just there, i stop - i breathe. I realize
this is me unaware of what the saliva is being used for - until i turned 61 and realized i can ran out of saliva and suddenly it meant something to me

I commit myself to see the saliva as what it is and see its use in the body

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if i have a decayed tooth, i should ask the dentist to extract it and forget about it - this way, i get rid of my tooth pain and eat tasty food again

When and as i see myself believing that if i have a decayed tooth, i should ask the dentist to extract it and forget about it, I stop - i breathe. I realize this is me believing that the role of the Dentist is to extract my tooth - not realizing that the Dentist is here to cross-reference with in terms of caring for my tooth, cleaning it and when needed, getting a denture to replace a lost tooth and be able to chew food again and swallow them so the body gets the nutrition it needs

I commit myself to see that i can cross-reference with the Dentist - who can help me come up with effective recommendations to care for the teeth/mouth and me becoming an active participant in caring for the oral cavity.


Saturday, March 13, 2021

Youtube Sales & Money 1



In this blog, i am looking at my starting point in making videos in youtube - forgiving myself for incorrect beliefs etc. and correcting my starting point 

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that videos need to be formatted so that it will have so many views or hits - to get subscribers that will translate to money and profit 

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that what i do needs to be converted into money otherwise i am a failure in that undertaking

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that life is about earning money 

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe i have less worth when i do not get likes, subscribers & money from marketing food videos  - recalling a memory of me not having money when i was in elementary grades relying on asking money from my mom and dad  and associating that to being dependent and not being successful


When and as i see myself believing that videos need to be formatted so that it will have so many likes and subscribers, i stop - i breathe. I realize making videos are  not purely for getting likes and getting subscribers 

I commit myself to see that making a video is a way of communicating myself and expressing myself as who i am here

Friday, March 12, 2021

Natural Dance 1 Freedom of Expression


In this blog, i am investigating the way i see dance - forgiving myself for incorrect beliefs etc. and writing commitments, opening the door for correction.

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that dance is about music & learned steps done while celebrating events in school & in the community - dressing up for it in a certain way to be entertained

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that to be able to dance, i have to have some background music with a certain kind of beat  - so it will be entertaining for me and for others watching

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear that others will not join me to dance because they are so used to mainstream dance/ sequenced steps  that the dance i do will not make sense to them

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to desire to do different kinds of moves/dances so that others will be captivated and entertained by it so they will come back again and again

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the best dance is the one where people dance above the ground suspended on air like birds flying on air

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to think that dance is about freedom to move -recalling a memory in the past where i limited my movements due to incorrect beliefs handed down from generations to generation, and connecting that to a negative energy experience - of boredom


When and as i see myself believing that dance is about music & learned steps done while celebrating events in school & in the community, I stop - i breathe. I realize this is what i heard in the media - which is limited in scope

Rather than seeing dance as a way of expressing oneself naturally

I commit myself to see dance as the body moving and expressing itself naturally

Thursday, March 11, 2021

EATING Part 23 Rice & Farming


In this blog, i am looking at rice - forgiving myself for seeing it as a plant that i can eat only and my lack of interest in learning about how it is being grown, writing commitments to open the door for correction

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that what is important is i have rice on the table when i am hungry and that it is not important to learn about how it is being grown

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that  all i need to do is work to get the money to buy rice in the store so that i can cook it

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that farming is only about growing the food items that command a good price in the store for profit - to make money from growing it

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that farming is about growing the food items that i like the taste of


When and as i see myself believing that what is important is i have rice on the table when i am hungry, i stop - i breathe. I realize that rice is a part of the whole - that is life, so learning about how it is being grown is a commonsense thing to do

I commit myself to learn about how rice is being grown - the amount of water it needs to grow, & the kind of soil it grows in


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

EATING Part 22 "Biko" Rice Cake Food Preparation



Philippine Native Sweet 
Biko Rice Cake :  Rice & Coconut Milk Sweet

In this blog, i am looking at how i can prepare the Philippine Native Sweet "Biko" in a way that i can give the body what it needs - forgiving myself for the limits i imposed on myself regarding preparing the BIKO and opening the door to correcting the way i cook this dish 

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear changing the "biko" flavor profile to suit my body needs - having been used to eating it as a child, recalling a memory of its gooey sweet taste with coconut oil sticking to my hands as i eat it - which had been the source of my happiness

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to participate in a happy feeling eating "biko" recalling a memory of me eating it in the Philippines, laughing with my family and friends - charging that past moment with a positive energy experience - where i find it difficult to see this new moment where i need to look at other ingredients i can use to put in the dish to assist my body to get the nutrition that it needs 

I forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to investigate what food preparation really means and its role in eating - in giving the body what it really needs 

When and as i see myself having a fear of changing the "biko" flavor profile, i stop - i breathe. I realize i am limiting myself of nutrition by limiting the kind of ingredients i can put into this sweet - rather than see that i can really re-create and expand the "biko" and change the ingredients in it to suit my body needs

I commit myself to  investigate other ingredients i can use to expand this dish so i can give the body what it needs when it needs it

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

EATING Part 21 The Ocean


In this blog, i am looking at fear of eating some food based on the news - forgiving myself  and opening the door for correction

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear seeing news about the amount of waste in the ocean and dead birds on the beach

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that it is okay to buy and cook fish that are wild caught but fear canned fish coming from China 

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that my only responsibility 
is to earn money & get the fish and vegetables from the market  to the table - the rest is too much to worry about

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear taking on too many responsibilities 
because i am just human 

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to doubt whether i should eat fish or not because of the news that they contain heavy metals

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear eating contaminated fish yet fear also eating meat because of the rumor that meat can raise my cholesterol

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear eating lettuce because there's outbreak of  E. coli infections linked to Romaine lettuce

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be confused about what is written in the media about food

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed to judge food according to information coming from the media - instead of me investigating the facts myself and choose food based on the result of my food investigation

When and as i see myself having fear seeing news about waste in the ocean and dead birds on the beach, I stop - i breathe. I realize that i cannot live in fear and that i can only take self-responsibility in how i dispose of my waste and choosing food i eat - knowing that sometimes i project my fear to others and the environment and even blame them for causing disease when i can direct those and take responsibility

I commit myself to take self-responsibility in how i dispose of my waste 

I commit myself to take responsibility in choosing what food to cook and eat 

Monday, March 8, 2021

Eating Part 20 - Parental Manipulation



In this blog, i am looking at how i was as a parent in the way i manipulate my children to eat a certain kind of food which was part of the ideology of my guru at that time - forgiving myself and opening the door for correction.

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to - as a parent, manipulate my children 
when they were young to become sentient vegetarian and bringing them to gatherings that only serve those kind of foods - believing that since i chose that way of eating, they should also eat the same kind of food i eat - which in a way is imposing on my body because i really did not look at all angles of eating and what it really means before i chose to have that diet - and also imposing on my children's bodies

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to wish and desire that the father of my kids also change his diet to the same diet i am in - not realizing that he  has a body with different health history and nutrient needs 

When and as i see myself manipulating people to eat food that i eat, i stop - i breathe. I realize that individuals have different body designs and as such they have to walk their food process and find out what food their body needs

I commit myself to allow others to open the door to their optimum expression and be here to cross-reference with but not control them

I commit myself to trust that life is here 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

EATING Part 19 The meaning I Give The Word


The Word EAT and what it means to me:

To put food into the mouth, chew it and swallow it - realizing that the food are  plants, animals etc. that contain substances that nourish the body


The sounds within the word 


E (A)-xpression T-eam ING-redients


AGING Part 1


I am looking at the dynamics of Aging here and admiration based on my mindset- forgiving myself and writing commitments to open the door for correction

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to suppress my expression when a younger man 
said he likes our conversation and that it will be nice to hang out one day to taste my food 

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see myself as an old woman - which is a judgment based on age - associating that to powerlessness

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if i am a 61 yrs old i am not capable of being in a relationship because i will only cause problem for myself and the person i am with  in terms of healthcare costs etc. - which is actually me associating aging to powerlessness and blaming the physical body for being old

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear being bed bound and unable to blog or vlog  

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that when i am bed bound and cannot blog and vlog, i am powerless

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to define aging according to limitation in mobility and the need for a care-giver  


When and as i see myself suppressing my expression because of my age, i stop - i breathe. I realize that i am suppressing my expression when i see myself aging - being 61 years old, where i defined myself according to my age and judged myself within that limited definition

I commit myself to express myself as who i really am - as the breath in the body

I commit myself to see aging as what it is 

the process where the physical body naturally expresses itself -  including changes in skin tone, etc. as it lives life over a span of time - as a part of the whole, as life

Saturday, March 6, 2021

EATING Part 18 Judging The Taste of Food



In this blog, i am looking at judging myself when i prepare food - forgiving myself for that, and making commitments to correct myself

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself as wrong when the food i make does not taste good - believing that it has to taste good otherwise, it means i am not good enough as a cook


When and as i see myself judging myself as wrong when the food i make does not taste good, i stop - I breathe. I realize this is me judging myself based on a polarized view-rather than see that what matters is my starting point in making the food. 

I commit myself to look at my starting point when preparing food 

I commit myself to see that food can be prepared in a way that it is not only nourishing for the body but also suitable for the body to ingest the food


Forgiving Myself

 I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that  if i break the culinary rules, i will be judged as wrong - and will not gain friends


When and as i see myself having a belief that i will be judged as wrong if i break the culinary rules, i stop -  breathe. I realize  my life is not about what others think and not about whether i break the culinary rules or not - but what i choose to eat and prepare that will be assisting my body 

I commit myself to choose to eat and prepare that which will be assisting my body

Friday, March 5, 2021

EATING Part 17 Restaurants & Food Availability


In this blog, i am looking at how my belief influences my feelings, my mistakes, forgiving them and releasing them so i can open the door for correction

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if the food i ordered in the restaurant is not available I can react in sadness and expect that it will be better next time

When and as i see myself believing that if the food i ordered in the restaurant is not available, i can react in sadness and expect that it will be better next time, i stop - i breathe. I realize that expecting something will happen because i like it to happen - and because i like it to happen, people will make it happen - is me not being responsible but me dictating on others based on my likes and dislikes

Rather than making sure that the food i need is available for me in my refrigerator and i can take this when i go out so i can eat it when i need to - and that if its not possible to do that, i can work with that too

I commit myself to see my responsibility in giving the body nutrition

I commit myself to cook food that i can eat when at home and when outside doing something

Thursday, March 4, 2021

EATING Part 16 Restaurant & Nutrition


In this blog i am looking at a past memory and how i superimpose it on the present moment, my mistakes, forgiving myself and writing commitments to open the door for correction

Forgiving Myself

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to create a polarity - where on one hand, i can see me eating tasty food in a restaurant in my mind - as a memory in the past - and now that i am existing in this present moment, i recall the taste of the food i ate then and having that taste experience in my mind i now crave and want to taste it again and order the same food so i will get contentment after eating it - which is like i superimposed a movie from the past to the present moment - which takes me away from the reality of things - where i see the restaurant in this present moment as a place that can give me the same food sensation that i had in the past - as i am craving it in my mind, because i charged it with a positive energy experience - and in the process, forget that the restaurant is here for a reason - not to recreate a past taste sensation and make me a dish that will mimic that so i can be entertained or to fulfill my craving but to assist me to create a meal that will give the body the nourishment that it needs


When and as i see myself create a polarity in my mind, i stop - i breathe. I realize that i had a memory of eating a delicious dish in a restaurant in the past and having been addicted to that particular combination of tastes & textures, i created a positive energy experience in my mind which is stopping me to see the new moment - the restaurant, the present menu etc. which is affecting the way i care for my body - in terms of not giving it nourishment it needs

I commit myself to sit down and be aware of the taste sensations in the food i am eating when i am eating

I commit myself to identify the ingredients in what i am eating as i am eating food and be aware of the nutrition in the food

I commit myself to care for my body


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