
Tao of Food Preparation Recipes

Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
'Living' E-book

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Competition: The Winning/Losing Mind Pattern

My Winning and Losing Mind Pattern
>I lost in the competition when I was in high school 
>not enough people voted for me 
>I did not get enough support to win 
>some people do not like me 
>though, I won the next time I competed  
>I got enough votes from people 
>It's good that they like me 

Here, there is an idea that when I win or get the majority vote, I am better than the rest based on the belief that when I win, I will increase my value as a person. There is also the desire and expectation to win in a competition. Self-judgment is also present and a projection of ones definition of oneself as inferior.

I am going to rewrite this pattern by forgiving myself, redefining words and correcting myself

 What is Self-forgiveness? 

It is the process by which an individual forgives oneself for accepting and allowing self to separate from objective reality, releasing positive and negative value judgments such as good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative - as subjective interpretations of reality regarding something or someone that leads to stability as breath. 

Writing Self-forgiveness Statements, Redefining Words and Correction Scripts

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have an idea that because I got majority votes in a competition I won - therefore better than the rest,  based on a belief that that when I win I will increase my value as a person, instead of seeing and realizing that my value does not depend on the value others give me in competitions but who I am as per my stand as a part of life for what is mutually beneficial for all.

I commit to see, realize and understand that votes are
opinion of a group
(VO-w To E-lect a winner)
the understanding of what is mutually beneficial for all - of a group
(VO-w  T-o E-lect that which is mutually beneficial for all concerned)
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to compete to win - desire for more people to vote for me as an individual - to increase the value that I am giving myself and the value that I believe others have of me instead of seeing and realizing that this is not my real value but a mind value that change.

I commit myself to redefine the word competition,

the act of competing for a prize
(COMPET-e -'I' in T-rial to I-ncrease and O-btain N-ote value)

The act of expressing myself as who and what I stand as - for what is mutually beneficial to all
(COMP-lete my E-xpression, the T-otality of  'I'  T-alking for/as the I-ndivisible all having ON-e  value)

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that support is about me getting a lot of votes from people, instead of seeing and realizing that their choice is a personality choice that is based from a choice between two opposite poles of the same thing - winning and losing - where there is nothing to choose from as they are two opposite pole of one thing and in my believing that I and them have a choice, lies my self-dishonesty.

I commit myself to redefine support,

Psychological or financial resources provided to make some project possible
(SUP-er PO - rtal for R- eenergizing others and T-aking AL-l credit)
Providing needed resources to that person, project etc. that will be mutually beneficial for all
(SUP-er PO-rt-al of R-esponsibility  s-T-anding for/as AL-l)

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself as not good enough when I believe I lost a competition believing I lost because people dislike me instead of seeing and realizing that it is me projecting my own inferior definition of myself to others.

I commit myself to redefine the word 'inferior'

Characteristic of having low importance
(IN FEAR  'I' r-O-a-R)
Characteristic of having seen the humility in assuming a secondary role that is also mutually beneficial for  all.
(IN this F-ervor of r-EA-l time  R-esponsibility as 'I' see what to stop or c-OR-rect)

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to expect to win a competition believing that people like me when they vote for me, instead of realizing that that is an idea that me as the mind created - believing that winning is a way of giving myself value so it is for me to see that I have devalued myself within my definition of myself and that is why there is a need within me to increase my value - hence expecting to win.

I commit myself to consciously enter a competition, not to win but to express myself in a way that I can be understood - within what I stand for/as and give my message of oneness and equality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that when people vote on me in a competition, and I win - I increase my value, instead of seeing and realizing that this is imagined value. This is a crutch that I hold on to - to feel good about myself. It is to realize that I am part of this life. I am here. So, my value is equal to the whole that is life.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself using competition to increase my value as a human, I stop - I breathe and bring myself here and rather than have an idea of winning, consciously participate to expand myself and express myself as who I really am in the way I talk and move, use it to redefine my relationship to the word 'competition' and live the redefined definition.

I commit myself to redefine the word 'win' and 'lose',

Obtain advantages, such as points, etc.
(W-ing it so 'I' could attain a desired goal to win or i-N-crease my value)
Obtain points from expressing oneself as standing for what is mutually beneficial for all
W-e  as the 'I' with o-N-e  value, our value being equal to Life

Fail to win
(LO-ss of  S-ucc-E-ss)
Not obtaining points for that which is mutually beneficial for all
(LO-ss as what is best for all was not S-ucce-E-sfully understood

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Self-forgiveness for Fear of Vegan and Vegetarian Food

This Blog is a continuation of this blog:

Mind Pattern
>I do not want to make vegan foods
>I am now eating meat
>but these vegan and vegetarian meat are fake meats
>they can have monosodium glutamate 
>they can be hidden in those fake veggie meats

What is Self-forgiveness? 
It is the process by which an individual forgives oneself for accepting and allowing self 
to separate from objective reality, releasing positive and negative value judgments such as good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative - as subjective interpretations of reality regarding something or someone that leads to stability as breath. 

Writing Self-forgiveness Statements 

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear eating vegetarian and vegan foods
believing that they do not have all the needed nutrients my body needs instead of seeing and realizing that vegetables come from the earth and are here to help give the body get nutrition.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge veggie meats as fake meat believing that vegetable meat has no B12 instead of seeing and realizing that with or without B12, vegetable meat is part of the whole - that is life - equal and one.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that veggie meat has monosodium glutamate - believing what one doctor in the internet said instead of seeing and realizing that I have not investigated it in all ways myself instead of seeing veggie meat as what it is - a part of the whole - that is life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to suspect that monosodium glutamate  can be hidden in the meat - doubting, rather than bringing myself back here as breath, using common sense in seeing that monosodium glutamate is part of the whole - that is life as it is here in this world. It is my fear of disease and death - within fear of survival, that makes me see monosodium glutamate as dangerous to my health - as I have defined health within absence of disease rather than see health as alignment of physical, mental and social well-being.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge the monosodium glutamate as bad believing what I hear in the media rather than see it as what it is - a chemical created by humans from seaweeds needing to entertain ourselves by making our food taste better.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use food to entertain myself rather than see food as what it is - a substance to nourish the body.

Commitment to Correction

I commit myself to rather than be enslaved to tasty food, learn how to prepare low salt and low sugar meals.

I commit myself to rather than define the word monosodium glutamate within fear of disease, having been named as an additive, clear its definition from bias and see it as what it is  - also known as glutamic acid and is naturally occurring normally found in tomatoes, potatoes and mushrooms and other vegetables and fruits.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Living My Utmost Potential 21: Making Vegan Food: Cooking Class

After I stopped eating vegetarian and vegan food and started eating meat, I had resistance to eat vegan and vegetarian food. I pushed myself to give this vegan cooking class and enjoyed it. 

Mind Pattern

>I do not want to make vegan foods
>I am now eating meat
>but these vegan and vegetarian meat are fake meats
>they can have monosodium glutamate 
>they can be hidden in those fake veggie meats

Here I have fear of eating vegetarian and vegan food. There is also judgment here. I am judging animal meat as better than vegetable meat. What I fear here is the monosodium glutamate that I believed was present in veggie meat that we got from the doctor we listened to, in the media. 

Links To Realizing and Living My Utmost Potential

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Living My Utmost Potential 20: Food and Visual Appeal: Speech

It was raining outside so I walked under the rain. It was a sprinkle - just a little bit of rain. 

Mind Pattern
>oh my, my hair is damp
>how will I look ? 

Here, there's a fear of having a flat hair on top of my head - which I associated to having just gotten out of bed - which I judged as an 'ugly look' rather than a 'wind bown' look which I associated with 'sexiness' having watched commercials and tv shows related to that idea. There's a belief that people will dislike me if I do not look as good as the actresses on the commercials. There's also a judgment that i do not look good when my hair is damp.  

Links To Realizing and Living My Utmost Potential

                                                        Self-forgiveness to follow

Living My Utmost Potential 19: Craving Part 2: Speech

'I Need To Use Body Movements' Mind Pattern

>I need to explain this concept 
>so I need to show it using body movements 
>as my visual aids 

Here, there's an idea of how I should present the topic based on information given by others.

Links To Realizing and Living My Utmost Potential

Self-forgiveness to follow

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