
Tao of Food Preparation Recipes

Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
'Living' E-book

Saturday, April 16, 2016


I am looking at my beliefs and judgments about the Paleo diet in this blog. Self-forgiveness is like 'saying sorry for myself' for having blinders and not seeing things as they are.

Self-forgiveness Statements

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge the paleo diet as superior over all diets instead of seeing and realizing we each have a unique DNA make-up - so each of us will have to determine what our individual body needs.

When and as I see myself judging the paleo diet as superior over all diets, I stop - I breathe. I realize that the way we eat is based on what our mind wants rather than what our body needs so one is not better than another. The best is for us to eat to nourish the body which is unique in each individual.

I commit myself to be aware of what i eat, log it and see through commonsense what nutrition my body needs.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the caveman/paleo diet is better than a modern diet rather than see, realize and understand that we have a unique DNA make-up - so each of us will have to determine what our individual body needs.

When and as I see myself judge the modern diet as better than a caveman diet, I stop - I breathe. I realize that i connected the caveman diet to unprocessed food and the modern diet to  processed food, and then created a judgment, that the paleo/caveman/ diet is better.

I commit myself to look at the nutrition of the foods I am eating and see it is not about one diet being superior over another but see that with unprocessed food the body will not have to spend more time eliminating 'processing chemicals' in the body and that the body will have to work more to release the chemicals in processed food. Eventually we have to develop an equal and one relationship with the body so we can communicate with it as an equal.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate the caveman/paleo diet to the earth and the modern diet to processed food.

When and as I see myself associating caveman/paleo diet to the earth and modern diet to processed food, I stop - I breathe. I realize that eating is not about either processed food or unprocessed food. It is about the nutrition we get from the foods and nourishing the body through that. Seeing the body and the food as equal to who we are is the key.

I commit myself to assist myself to see that unprocessed food/ food direct from the earth gets processed for taste which becomes processed food, so i commit myself to be aware of my motivation to eat - not to eat because the food tastes good - but to rather look at nutrition instead.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that because the paleo diet advocates less carbohydrates, judge it as better than other diets.

When and as I see myself believing that more carbohydrates is dangerous for my health, I stop - I breathe. I realize carbs or carbohydrates are here not for us to judge but to support our body to have physical energy. It is when we give the body more or less than the carbohydrates it needs - as we are focused on getting the taste - that we do not look at nutrition in our food but more on entertainment.

I commit to assist myself to look at the nutrition present in the food I eat.
I commit to assist myself to see taste as an expression of the food i eat.
I commit to assist myself to develop an equal and one relationship with the body.

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