
Tao of Food Preparation Recipes

Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
'Living' E-book

Monday, August 18, 2014

The Rise and Fall of Blood Sugar 1: Just Drinking Water: The Mind's Role?

Mind Pattern
>My blood sugar is up from the normal range
>Normal Fasting Blood Sugar is 75 - 100
>My reading is 104
>Let me just drink water and eat when it is low
>I feel queasy in my tummy
>but maybe hot water can fix it
>let me get hot water from the cafe
>it feels good drinking hot water
>so hot water is better than cold water in the morning
>it's already an hour so let me take the next reading
>It's 97
>so it is getting lower
>I will wait till it goes down to 80 and then i will eat
>It's already 1 hour after i took the last one
>so let me take another test
>it's 106
>oops it went up
>how come?
>I did not expect that
>what could possibly get my blood sugar up?
>I haven't eaten food yet
>It can be my mind
>let me do some self-forgiveness
>it's 101
>I tested again and it is 90
>It went down
>maybe it is my self-forgiveness that did this

Looking at My Mind Pattern:

In this mind pattern,  I have an idea that my blood sugar level should be in the normal range and what the numbers should be, where I interpret the numbers i see in the blood sugar monitor according to my mind's subjective interpretation of it then manipulate my blood sugar levels through the food I eat without considering that stress created by the mind by reacting to what it sees in the environment and the body reacting to that - has a role in raising blood glucose levels. So, I am forgiving myself for the mind components like ideas, beliefs etc. in this mind pattern

What is Self-forgiveness?
It is the process by which an individual forgives oneself for accepting and allowing self to separate from objective reality, releasing positive and negative value judgments such as good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative - as subjective interpretations of reality regarding something or someone that leads to stability as breath. 

Writing Self-forgiveness Statements:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to have an idea that my blood sugar should be in the normal range between 75 and 100 in the blood sugar meter which i believe is good, based on what I heard and seen from others who I identified as 'experts' in the field - seeing them as having the knowledge and information that I can trust instead of seeing and realizing that i can test my bodily response to high or low blood sugar and see from there if what they say is applicable to my bodily process and see my body's feedback realizing that we all have different DNA make - ups and therefore will have different bodily responses to each food we eat.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to have a belief that if my blood sugar goes higher than 100, my health will be in danger and will be diagnosed as pre-diabetic, believing that if my blood sugar readings continue in this trend, i will end up being diabetic and then my limbs can be amputated - or I can undergo dialysis in a regular basis and within that be labeled as inferior believing that healthy people are more superior than sick people and so i will not be validated by others as good and they will look down on me as a sick person that is not living life fully - perceiving myself as useless, powerless and hopeless within my mind - where I will be unpopular and non-existent in the eyes of everyone believing that I will then live a life of sadness and misery.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if I only drink water, my blood sugar will go down and if I eat solid food, my blood sugar will go up - instead of seeing and realizing that the mind reacts to the environment either in a positive or in a negative way - which leads to psychological stress, which eventually leads to a physical reaction to the psychological stress -which eventually becomes manifested in the physical body as the body push this' mind stress layers' away through bodily secretions to bring the body back to homeostasis, where the stress eventually affects the blood sugar levels.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have an idea that if I drink water for many hours before I eat, I can keep a normal blood sugar reading instead of seeing and realizing the mind is feeding off of the body and that  its reaction to environmental influences has to also be taken into consideration in reading blood sugar levels.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to manipulate my body to manifest my desire based from an idea that I have in my mind justifying such instead of seeing and realizing this is me as the mind deciding based from an idea and it is to see that rather than justifying it, see how the mind and the body can work in harmony as what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to drink hot water believing that cold water is causing me to feel queasy where I blame the cold water believing it is inferior to the hot water - and believing the hot water is superior, judging both expressions, instead of seeing and realizing that it is my mind interpretation of what I am feeling when I drink water and not what is going on in reality - which makes me see water in another way, so. rather than do this, I commit myself to embrace both as my equal and instead of judging it, equalize with both expressions.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to compare the temperatures of hot and cold water where I am deciding which water temperature is good based on what I feel when i take the cold water or the hot water - a subjective interpretation of what temperature is, instead of seeing and realizing that temperature is,

Word Web
the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment (corresponding to its molecular activity)

Expanded Definition

the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment (corresponding  to its molecular activity) - that is part of the expression of the whole - that is life

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if the reading is up above the normal range, i will be in danger instead of seeing and realizing that the meter itself is there for cross-referencing purposes.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to blame the body for making my blood sugar go up believing that because I cannot control my body's health through food, I am uncertain of what to feed myself instead of seeing and realizing that the mind has a role in rising blood sugar levels also - so instead of blaming the mind and the body, i have to take self-responsibility for choosing food that will assist the body and stabilizing me here as the breath when and as I go within my mind to try to interpret reality as either good or a bad - to help the body in maintaining homeostasis.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that a low blood sugar reading means I am healthy believing that I am superior than others when I am healthy and those who are sick are inferior than me, believing that if I am healthy I can have fun with friends and family, eat tasty food, laugh and feel good - and those who are sick suffer alone, in sadness and in pain instead of seeing and realizing that viruses are here to help us see what we do not want to look at and so it is to realize that they are here assisting us, walking as our equal in this one life.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that It is better to eat when my blood sugar is down believing that that way I can regulate the blood sugar in my body instead of seeing and realizing that this is me controlling the body's functions for my own benefit - so i can win in my mind and be superior to others and have the idea that ' if I am able to control my blood sugar levels, then I will be popular and rich, instead of seeing and realizing that i have to release these beliefs and ideas so I can clearly see what is going on in my body and express myself here in all dimensions for what is mutually beneficial for all..

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to have beliefs and ideas about the why my blood sugar levels will have to remain in a certain level and what to eat and what not to eat having heard and seen information coming from the media about why it does what it does instead of seeing and realizing I have to test this myself and see how the body and the blood sugar reacts to food items that I eat without interpreting the results within my mind.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be uncertain about the blood sugar reading I am getting, believing that it does not jive with the ideas and beliefs in my mind of how my blood sugar should be - having normal values always, instead of seeing and realizing that these uncertainties are based from information and knowledge passed on by others that are defined within bias,  rather than what I see based on my own testing and so rather than be uncertain and see what they say as right or wrong, stabilize myself as who i am here as the breath when testing and stop judging the blood sugar readings as good or bad based on my beliefs, ideas etc.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have an expectation of what the reading will be believing that the blood sugar reading should go down when i do not eat or when I only take water,  instead of seeing and realizing that I do not have to judge the readings nor expect what the reading should be based on my beliefs -where I use the reading to make myself look good or bad or others look good or bad, rather, to instead, step back and slow myself down by assisting myself to see the results as what they are -as reference points, realizing that the blood sugar monitors are not accurate to the absolute degree and is there to assist me to have an estimate of how much blood sugar is in my blood.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be uncertain about what makes the blood sugar rise believing that it is the food causing it and nothing else - believing that
since I did not eat food but just drank water, the blood sugar level should go down, instead of seeing that I cannot trust the information passed on to me by others that are defined within bias, and realize that the need to get another information outside of myself that will explain
to me what I need to know is part of my laziness persona and so instead of doing that it will assist myself to test things first myself, and if I am going to use information coming from others, use ones that are based on common sense and spend time to test it first or apply it practically and see if it works. I realized that I need to be patient with myself and be unconditionally supportive to myself, which is also something I would benefit from so I commit myself to practice doing that.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be uncertain - where I do not believe that the mind is affecting the rise in blood sugar believing that it is the food that I ingest that makes the blood sugar rise and nothing else, instead of seeing and realizing the common sense that I as my awareness, am trapped within the body and the mind - and that I react to things in my environment , moving in physical reality and while expressing myself here, go within my mind, and interpret what I see  - reacting positively or negatively to it, so the key is to step back, identify the fear, face it, and release it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be uncertain that self-forgiveness was responsible for bringing my blood sugar down instead of seeing and realizing that I am the creator of my world and that I can release myself from what I created in my mind through self-forgiveness including releasing myself from my interpretation of the blood sugar readings based from my beliefs, ideas etc. through taking self-responsibility, as self forgiving self, for what I accepted and allowed in my world and correcting myself in how I live, and I commit myself  to not give up on myself, but rather, continue my process of self-forgiveness and self-correction until it is done and all is free.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to have the idea that self-forgiveness can bring my blood sugar down as i separate myself from the act of forgiving myself where I as the mind is forgiving myself within uncertainty, rather than who i am here, self forgiving self for what i accepted and allowed in my world standing equal to my mind and body.

Commitment To Rewrite This Mind Pattern

I commit myself to see the blood sugar readings as what they are - as numerical values that communicate a physical message.

I commit myself to look at how we eat, look at the problems and come up with the best for all scenario using common sense.

I commit myself to look at the word 'blood' and its definition in the dictionary so I can expand its definition and align it to the principle of what is mutually beneficial to all - which includes this physical existence, the body and the microorganisms living in it - which are parts of the whole - that is life.

Word Web
The fluid (red in vertebrates) that is pumped through the body by the heart and contains plasma, blood cells, and platelets

My Expanded Definition
The fluid that is pumped through the body by the heart and contains blood cells that contains plasma, blood cells, and platelets - that is part of the whole - that is life

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