
Tao of Food Preparation Recipes

Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
'Living' E-book

Monday, February 29, 2016

Redefining The Word 'HEALTH' Part 2: SF

Blog Links Series

Part 1 Redefining The Word Health: Word Meanings
Part 2 Redefining Word The Word Health: Problems & SF
Part 3: Redefining The Word Health: Solutions & Corrections
When looking at the word 'health', I saw that I have given the word 'health' a meaning that is not optimum for me to live as equal to who I really am - within wholeness, so I am forgiving myself here for accepting and allowing that...

I forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that the definition I gave the word health as 'absence of disease' is the expression that I will give life to as the living expression of myself so as a consequence live this meaning as an expression of myself as the limited version of me as the mind - within fear of not being healthy.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live my definition of health as 'absence of disease' within my decision to eat a vegetarian diet - believing that I can be healthy to a point where I will never get sick - within a fear reaction to disease, suffering and pain.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the word 'health' is just for the use of the elite or the ones who have money to buy health foods and buy membership in the gym - making the word 'health' look exclusive to the elite - instead of using the word 'health' as equal to all by assisting in creating a world where everyone has equal access to money to buy food to nourish the body within wholeness.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that some food are health foods and some are not health foods.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to live my definition of health as 'absence of disease' within my decision to eat a vegan diet - within a fear reaction to disease, suffering and pain.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge food items as either healthy or unhealthy as I defined not having health within having pain, suffering and 'being in hell' - within a fear reaction.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define health within 'not having health' as 'absence of disease' where I am blaming disease for causing my pain and suffering, then 'seeking for  health' as a way to transcend dis-ease.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define health within 'absence of disease' where I tried 'inedia' or not eating and drinking for 3 and 1/2 days - within a fear reaction to having to having disease and working day in and day out to get the money to buy food to eat -  rather than assist in creating a world that guarantees survival for all where everyone has  means to get nutrition the body needs to survive optimally.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define the word 'health' within 'absence of disease - where when I became vegetarian, resist eating meat - as a fear reaction to having heart disease.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear disease, suffering and pain.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear eating vegan food after embracing meat - within a reaction to fear of not having Vitamin B12 in my diet.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear taking Vitamin B12 from plant sources.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to NOT investigate meat like pork etc. having no sugar content when I was eating a vegetarian and vegan diet - as I was busy judging meat as 'bad' for me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself - as the mind - to impose on the body, within my decision to take on a diet and exercise regimen justified in the name of health - to be slim and desirable for the opposite sex. 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Redefining The Word 'HEALTH' Part 1

The Word 'Health'

Blog Links Series

Part 1 Redefining The Word Health: Word Meanings
Part 2 Redefining Word The Word Health: Problems & SF
Part 3: Redefining The Word Health: Solutions & Corrections

To redefine the word 'health, first, I will get the dictionary definitions of the word 'health' and look if I can relate to the meanings given in the dictionary, then look at the phonetics of the words 'health' and 'healthy' and the meanings I gave them.


1. The general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigor.
2. Soundness of body or mind
    good health; poor health
3. Freedom from disease or ailment
    to have one's health; to lose one's health
4. A wish or complimentary wish for a person's health, happiness, etc. especially as a toast
5. Vigor, vitality.
We drank a health to our guest of honor

British Dictionary Definitions:
1. The state of being bodily and mentally vigorous and free from disease
2. The general condition of body and mind.
in poor health
3. The condition of any unit, society, etc.
health of a nation

Health Definitions

1. The overall condition of an organism at a given time.
2. Soundness, especially of body or mind, freedom from disease or abnormality.


Phonetics And The Meaning I Gave The Following Sounds:

Exploring the meaning of the sound I associated with the word 'health' and 'healthy':


The hell one experiences in terms of choosing where to shop, what to eat, cook etc. and the judgments and beliefs that one has when one restricts ones diet where one realizes the commonsense of eating that which will assist the body to get the nutrition it needs.

The hell one experiences when one's 'health is absent' as in when one has a disease - as suffering and pain realizing this is assisting me to stop and look at what I am doing to sabotage the body's optimum survival to forgive and correct.

he all th-y
The individual as the 'He' as a representative of the all that is life that is essentially you, one and equal.

The Filipino pronunciation of the word 'healthy' reminding me of the need to give the means for all to have access to foods that nourish and assist the body 

Heal th-y self

th-e heal-er (back to front)
The healer that is me as the healer of myself and others as me as wholeness


Releasing Study Mind Blocks Through SF: Kinesiology Studies

I learned Kinesiology in Melbourne, Australia years ago. In this blog, I am re-looking at those memories. I am releasing the study mind blocks consisting of beliefs, judgments etc. that I have about Kinesiology, through self-forgiveness - to walk my way through to correction.

What is Self-forgiveness?

It is about forgiving myself for separation from objective reality through subjective interpretations of it - within ones beliefs etc. -  which leads to stability as breath.

Self-forgiveness Statements

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge the information being given to me in school as superior believing that because the author of the book being used in class is a Chiropractor they know the body more than i do.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that muscle testing is here to help me and others remove or cure illnesses and other's diseases and ailments.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that muscle testing is about identifying allergic reactions to foods and removing those kinds of food in my diet.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to blame food for having a disease.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to study the information being given to me as information that is precious believing that i paid a lot of money for it so I have to study it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that Kinesiology is something i do not know so i have to learn or study it to get the information and knowledge so i can charge money in exchange for it when i have an alternative therapy practice.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from information and knowledge that i am trying to learn so try to get it in school to evolve myself as someone proficient in the subject.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist memorizing information in school as i judged it as difficult.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that i have to pass the test in school because i paid money for it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge latin names given to muscles are special, therefore, very difficult to study.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that because the name of the course is Professional Kinesiology Practice, I am above the rest in terms of muscle testing.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to impose on the body by manipulating information and knowledge about muscles and muscle testing as i learned to balance the mind within the body.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to copy what the Chiropractor's

belief is regarding muscles, words, and muscle testing - believing they know better - rather than me questioning information and knowledge passed on to me by others.

Walking My Way To Correction:

I can see that my study of Kinesiology does not depend on whether the author of the material is a Chiropractor or not. It depends on me being present here when I am studying - where I am aware of the information I am reading and my relationship to it and its authors as being equal to myself - as we are all here walking this one life - dust to dust.

I also realize that when I am diminishing myself and deifying the authors of the book i am studying, which involves comparing them to other authors within my mind, in the past or the future, I am processing a lot of information in my mind than I should be - I commit to, rather than do that, bring myself back here in physical reality - as the  breath, and see what i am studying as what they are, no more, no less.

I can see that Kinesiology is here NOT to cure diseases but a tool to see what points need to be directed in our mind, so we can assist the body to survive optimally - without the mind diminishing it, in what it is supposed to do so it can carry on with its functions.

I realize that muscle testing is not here to identify foods that i am allergic to so i can remove them from my diet - as that would be blaming food for causing my illness but to take self-responsibility and understand how the the mind affects the body when we judge or react to foods etc. so we can release these and develop an equal and one relationship with food - to stop the reactions and bring the body back to a state where it can function optimally.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Life Rhymes: OCD and the SKIN

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Is a condition driven by 
emotional energy
within the mind

we are driven 
to repeat an act
to get comfort
from what we are
obsessing about

and this is present 
in everyone

We obsess about
how we look
so we put on
a nice dress

some make-up
and handbag

We perceive 
we lack something
so we judge

First ourselves
then we project
it unto others

We also have 
a compulsion
to bust the pimple

To give us comfort
because we have 
emotional turmoil

We bite our nail
when we are anxious
and we pull our hair
when we are angry
or when there's frustration

So let us equalize 
our expression
and not judge those 
diagnosed with OCD
or any obsessive compulsion

we have to release the obsession
and the compulsion

not in biting our nails
or picking on the skin
protecting us from adverse
climate condition

or pulling our hair
in frustration

But in forgiving our need 
to control
forgiving our judgments
and correcting patterns of obsession

Our environment 
impulse us 
the media full of advertising
we obsess about where to get money
to buy the next product we see

So we have to end 
this see-saw in our mind
that create a social mishap
and become the creators of our
within and without

Check out the living income 
guarantee our survival
let's provide money for all 
and a job for those needing one

A balanced money ecosystem
to stop the lack
obsession in check
our mind rest

Rewriting the pattern
so the S-nake KIN
will be my kin 
to correction

S-elf KIN (skin)
is how i see
i can live in harmony
with the word

In gratitude
I honour
the SKIN
as equal to all

OCD is here
as a tool
to develop
a real relationship
with my kin
the Skin

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Life Rhyme: Homeopathy


Homeopathy is a form of 
Alternative Therapy
based on the principle of 
like cures like

The substance 
that caused the symptoms
of a dis-ease in a healthy person

cures similar symptoms 
in a dis-eased person

Paving way to healing
we have to look at the whole person
as part of the whole
equal to all that is here

What we created 
we can uncreate
we are the self-healers
of our own mind, body and environment

Any dis-ease will show 
in the mental, physical and the environment
when there is imbalance in the system

So we have to take responsibility
to make a world that is best for all
creating  wholeness
in our world

We have to disseminate ease
in all parts of our lives

Wholeness is the key
Wholeness is the destination

Health is about physical, mental 
and social well-being
aligned to wholeness and balance

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Word SF on Choosing A Business Name

Choosing A Business Name 1

Self-forgiveness Statements for When Choosing Business Names

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when choosing a name for my business, dislike some word/sound - comparing it to another word/sound which represents what I desire to have in the future - where I defined the present as having less potential and compared it to what i projected to in my mind in the future which i believe has better potential.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when choosing a name for my business, judge the sound of a word as less than another word/sound based on my interpretation of what is better or worse.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when choosing a name for my business, believe that there is a word/sound that is better than another word/sound. 

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from words I receive and give.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect words to memories in my mind that are defined due to what I connected them to - that makes the word more or less than what they really are.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when choosing a business name, believe that words are here to be used to entice people to come to my business so that i can earn money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to  when choosing a name for my business, choose words that others will respond to so i can use words to impulse other's desires so they will come to visit my business.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when choosing a business name choose words that i connected to a word that i have magnified in my mind giving me an impression that it is special because of the association and the meaning i gave them.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when choosing a business name, connect a word to what i desire or dislike in my mind and react to it in either a positive way or a negative way.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when choosing a name for my business, reference words that i see in the internet as better than others as I have associated them with words that I magnified the value of in my mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when choosing a name for my business, choose that which i believe will imprint in people's mind so i can impulse them to come and buy any product or service.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when choosing a name for my business, choose words that represent my beliefs about archetypes or mythology believing that it will create a godlike impression in the mind of others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when choosing a name for my business, choose a name that majority will agree to so that many will agree to what we say, come and partake of what we sell in the business.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when choosing a name for my business, choose words that represent my ideas and opinions about something rather than use words as what they are - words that i live as who i am and as what the business is - which is an extension of me and my expression.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to when i am choosing a name for my business, choose a word that represents my desire for harmony in my mind, hoping that that will create harmony for real instead of seeing and realizing that it is me that is  living the definitions i give words.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when choosing a word for my business, choose words that are associated to the word 'extraordinary' hoping that customers will have an extraordinary time when dealing with my business to then eventually buy from my business rather than see, realize and understand that I as the owner of the business is the one who is going to live the words i give my business so who i am will be who the business will be.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when choosing a name for my business, choose words that are associated with the word 'extreme' so it will catch people's attention rather than see realize and understand that I have given the word 'extreme' a magnified meaning in my mind which i am thinking will equally impulse customers - rather than see that it is  the one living the word that is key here -  being me, as the one that will interact with the buyers and employees - so rather than use words as a crutch, i have to align what i think, say and do to what is best for all - so that - that will be what will resonate with employees and clients.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to  when choosing a name for my business, choose words that i associated with the word 'fantastic' in my mind believing that we will all have a fantastic time when i do that - instead of seeing and realizing that the business is an extension of me - so rather than using the word as a crutch, be the live the word as me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when choosing a name for my business, choose a word that I associate with the word 'vibrant' hoping that the customers will find my business vibrant instead of seeing and realizing that I am the one who will live the word I choose to use as a living expression of me.

Living The Change

I commit myself to when choosing a name for my business, rather than choose words based on what i like or dislike, choose words that represent what I do and what the business does - where the products and/or services i sell are those that can benefit all in ones daily living, in ones re-birth of ourselves here - in our creative expression and create a world based on wholeness.

Sleep Rhyme

Sleeping at the Bossom of the Earth Bed

Stressed we slumber to the world of sleep
Let us look at the physical world
and expand the experience

Falling on the bed we commune and rest
the being sleeping with the body 
self-intimate  with the pillows
made of cotton or silk

It provides warmth and comfort
for the body and mind at rest
the bed stationary 
in silence it sleeps

 The blanket caressing the skin 
as the cotton plant 
interacting with the body at rest

Tired of working for survival
but able to enjoy and commune with oneself
unconsciousness can be expanded
let's be a participant when we sleep

station ourselves inside 
our heart being our bed
let it sing the heartbeat lullaby
to rock us to sleep

Forgive oneself before we sleep
from accepting and allowing 
the separation from all that is here

working to survive 
we think of how to make 
money in our mind

realize we are the breath
so at the end of the day
massage your hands and feet

When you do not get some sleep 
learn to breathe
take time so the body can rest 
silence your mind chatter

Sleep and wake up to a new day
breathe in awareness
for the day is here

Be here as breath
for this is happening 
at the bosom of the earth bed

Where the being, the body and the mind rest
participating in silence 
getting ready for a new awakening

Lets us get a Living Income 
working to survive 
we have the tendency to get tired

Express yourself 
enjoy and create
for it is key
to creating heaven on earth

So when we sleep we will awaken
to a new reality that is best for all humanity

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Words: Giving A Name To a Business

We were choosing a name for a business in one of our groups/business undertaking and as i look at most of the suggestions, I saw that these choices were what guided me in choosing a business name in the past. When I was faced with taking on a business function, like  giving a name to my business, my choices were based from many mind factors. These choices were not really made based from what a word really is - symbols as sound equal to who i am and what i do.

When I chose a name for the latest business I have, I had a different starting point.

Although I have corrected this within that point - when I gave a name to my recent business based from how i see myself expanding in the field I am in - as who and what I am/walked, I have not really released these mind patterns through self-forgiveness or any tool like that.

I have used words in the past where my starting point is geared towards making a business that will give me money within a system that is based on exchange of goods and services that are seen as unequal in terms of value, diminishing the real value of goods and services exchanged.

I am blogging about this now to clear my starting point i-  as part of my correction, n my use of words when giving a name to a business. As i do this i am opening the way for others to apply the process shared/others that will be shared in the business field.

I can see that what I based my choices from was usually coming from my mental assessment of
the following:

1. Words and how they sound-like compared to a certain name that i associated with this word within my mind, that represents what I desire to have, in the hope of something better in the future where i defined the present as having less potential and the future having better potential.
2. Words connected to memories that are defined in a positive or a negative light in my mind due to  what I connected them to - that makes the word more or less than what they really are.
3. Words that represent the money I believe I will earn
4. Words that I believe others will respond to in my mind
5. Words that I connected to a super special word in my mind
6. Words I connected to what i desire or dislike in my mind
7. Words that i see in the internet that I connect with other words in my mind
8. Words that will imprint in people's mind
9. Words that represent my beliefs about archetypes or mythology believing that it will create a godlike impression in the mind of others
10. Words that the majority will agree to so that many will come and partake of what we sell in the business
11. Words that represent my ideas
12. Words that represent my desire for 'harmony' in my mind hoping that that will create harmony
13. Words that i believe are a synonym to the word 'extraordinary' hoping that people will have an extraordinary time and buy from my business.
14. Words that i believe are a synonym to the word 'extreme' that will catch people's attention
15. Words that I believe are synonym to the meaning of the word 'fantastic' hoping that the business will flourish and all of us involved in the business will have a fantastic time.
16. Words that i believe are synonym to the meaning of the word 'vibrant' hoping that the business will have a vibrant atmosphere.
17. Words that I believe are synonym of the word 'powerful' hoping that the business will be powerful in drawing people in.
18. Words that are synonym to the word 'strong' hoping that the business will be strong and will flourish amidst adversities
19. Words that I believe are synonym to the word 'super' hoping that the business is going to be a super business that is above others.
20. Words that are synonyms of the word 'balanced' hoping that there will be a balanced atmosphere in the business that will promote a balanced life for both owners and employees.
21. Words that are synonyms of the word 'intimate' hoping that there will be an intimacy between people who are buying and people who are working in the organization selling goods and services.
22. Words that peak people's curiosity hoping that if they will be curious enough, they will come and ask what my business is about to then draw them in to take a survey and then impose on them what I sell so that I can make money from the transaction.
23. Words that are popular in the internet believing that if they are popular, they will give me more people interested in doing business with me.

The above are statements we repeat in our mind and manifest in our living that makes life stressful in that we diminish ourselves in our endeavor to separate who we are as breath/living words to who we are as beings in a system that is enslaved by survival-based business models that does not incorporate our process But looking closely, I can see the consequence outflow of using words this way is massive in the business field - marketing and advertising specifically and this is also being taught in schools and universities.

I will expand this subject of word use in how it is being used in the business world and as I correct my use of words, I am opening the door for businesses to expand words that allow personal expansion and expanded business relationships that align to a world that is best for all - for the owners, employers and employees.

I will introduce you to tools I use for rewriting the 23 points above. I will post a link below where you can register for free and I will send you an e-mail which will give you a FREE (pdf) document/tool plus cool updates that will point you to practical self-actualization business solutions.

I will rewrite my past mind patterns when I perform the function of 'name- giver' to an organization/business and will point you to how to survive in the present business system with this new tool.  You will be pointed to solutions that present a new business model that is aligned to what i call the 'practical self-actualization business model'. It is time for us to create a new business model that supports our inherent quest for expansion in every aspect of our lives that will pave the way for
us to surviving in the current system and transitioning to a new platform - a new system in a new world - where world change is possible for real.

Link for 'D' Organization (link will be available here soon) 
Free Business Tool Updates for New Readers HERE

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