
Tao of Food Preparation Recipes

Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
'Living' E-book

Friday, June 28, 2013

The Paranoia For Beauty: Seeing Through The Eyes Of the Mind Day 307

In this blog i am looking at how i abused my eyes
as i participate in positive, neutral and negative energy experiences

fearing to see ugliness
desiring to see beauty

as the Mind/Ego/ Persoality/ Character

perceived separate from all

being directed by my thoughts rather than me directing me here

So, i am directing myself in this blog

To through self-forgiveness, and self correction in my living

stop the paranoia
in  'my within' as the mind

so as i take self-responsibility 

in 'my within' as the mind

take self-responsibility in 'my without' as this world system

birth me here as equal to all that is here - as Life

What is self-forgiveness?

Self-forgiveness Statements:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the design of
fear of survival - as form - as energy - as the eyes
fear that i will not be able to see the beautiful things in life
desiring to see through my eyes
to have a positive experience of life

believing that if my eyes do not have 20/20 vision
i will not have
a positive energy experience
in life
believing that only if my eyes can see the beauty of nature etc
will i be happy

believing that my eyes do not have a 20/20 vision because of my age

believing that blind people are unfortunate because they cannot see

instead of realizing that it is me
manipulating the eyes to look at pictures, forms etc.
and connecting/defining whatever i see to a word, a picture, a memory etc.
that i have given a positive or a negative value to

using the mind to manipulate the body to see
for the positive energy experience of it
seeing everything through my mind
and judging what i see as either beautiful, 'so-so' or 'ugly'

fearing to see that which i defined as ugly

fearing to see the poor
fearing to see suffering
fearing to see crime
fearing to see criminals
fearing to see deformed forms
fearing to see sickness and death
fearing to see people in pain
fearing to see clutter/mess
fearing to see failure
fearing to see dirty places
fearing to see the inequality
fearing to see evil
fearing to see abuse

fearing to see what is here

fearing to see reality
desiring to imagine an alternate reality within my mind

fearing to see/look at the consequence of what i accepted and allowed in this world 
for fear of taking self-responsibility 

desiring a positive energy experience
using the eyes
abusing the eyes

the mind manipulating the eyes to see or not see
based on what i like to see or not like to see
based on my fears

within this
resourcing the body 
for energy

for the mind to exist

taking from the body 
what it needs to support itself to survive

the evil me
like a vampire
sucking the life
out of the physical/body

the body that has eyes
that makes it possible for me to express myself here

the body that supports me to breathe

the body that supports me to see
all that is here

so i can take self-responsibility
for all - as me - as Life

the body that makes it possible for me to express myself here
in this one life 

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to abuse the body - as the eyes
within all these

instead of facing my fear 
and taking self-responsibility
for what i created in 'my within' as the mind - for what i judged as 'ugly' 'so-so'or 'beautiful'
and for the consequence it created 
in 'my without' as this world system

within thisPARANOIA
i created within myself

Through this
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to
doubt who i am
the one seeing the positives in life, the neutral or the negatives
the 'beautiful', the 'so-so' and the 'ugly'

or the one who is here
as breath
that can see with or without the eyes
that can see in whatever form i am in
human, animals, plants, things etc.
as i am part of this one life
equal to all that is here
by virtue of being birthed into this world
as all are birthed here

seeing what is real
as what is here - as the physical
as who i am, what i am and how i am
without judging what i see 
according to what will give me 
a positive, neutral or negative energy experience
based on my beliefs

Through this,
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to
blame the body/physical
for creating eyes unequal
making others see with a vision 20/20 and others not

blaming my my eyes for not being able to see
blaming the body for aging
blaming the physical for creating beautiful and ugly people
blaming the body/physical for malfunctioning

instead of realizing
it is me as the mind
the evil me
only thinking of myself - within self-interest
desiring positive energy experiences

resourcing the body
for energy
for the mind to exist
whenever i participate in thoughts, backchats, reactions and behaviours
that are mind directed

realizing that it is me as the mind
connecting words, things, pictures, events, people, form, memories etc. i see
to words, pictures, things, events, people, form, memories etc.
which i have given a positive, neutral and a negative value to
which made me see the picture etc.
as positive, neutral or negative
experiencing it in a  positive, neutral or a negative way

Through this
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to have the excuse that
i have to survive as the one that is able to see through the eyes
having perfect vision

believing that the eyes are more than me because without it i cannot see

instead of realizing that i am here as breath able to see
with or without the eyes

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to participate in these beliefs

Through this
i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to
justify my excuse
that i have to survive as the one that is able to see through the eyes
to be whole
believing that i will be inferior if i will not have eyes to see
believing that if my eyes do not see clearly
i am less than myself -inferior

instead of realizing this is balance in polarity

It is to realize that
 real wholeness does not need separation from the source

as who i am is here
as breath in every moment
moving me, directing me, expressing me

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