WORDS, MONEY, FOOD, RELATIONSHIPS, SPIRITUALITY, BUSINESS, MARKETING,PUBLIC RELATIONS, DANCING Etc. 'In this journey I am looking at who I have become as the PERSONA defined by words which are interpretations of reality, where I see words as more than or less than what they really are by the meaning i give them, so I am expanding and redefining words to see them as what they really are and look at what they really mean in reality to align their meaning to what is best for all.' June Roca
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Self-forgiveness Statements
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge the paleo diet as superior over all diets instead of seeing and realizing we each have a unique DNA make-up - so each of us will have to determine what our individual body needs.
When and as I see myself judging the paleo diet as superior over all diets, I stop - I breathe. I realize that the way we eat is based on what our mind wants rather than what our body needs so one is not better than another. The best is for us to eat to nourish the body which is unique in each individual.
I commit myself to be aware of what i eat, log it and see through commonsense what nutrition my body needs.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the caveman/paleo diet is better than a modern diet rather than see, realize and understand that we have a unique DNA make-up - so each of us will have to determine what our individual body needs.
When and as I see myself judge the modern diet as better than a caveman diet, I stop - I breathe. I realize that i connected the caveman diet to unprocessed food and the modern diet to processed food, and then created a judgment, that the paleo/caveman/ diet is better.
I commit myself to look at the nutrition of the foods I am eating and see it is not about one diet being superior over another but see that with unprocessed food the body will not have to spend more time eliminating 'processing chemicals' in the body and that the body will have to work more to release the chemicals in processed food. Eventually we have to develop an equal and one relationship with the body so we can communicate with it as an equal.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate the caveman/paleo diet to the earth and the modern diet to processed food.
When and as I see myself associating caveman/paleo diet to the earth and modern diet to processed food, I stop - I breathe. I realize that eating is not about either processed food or unprocessed food. It is about the nutrition we get from the foods and nourishing the body through that. Seeing the body and the food as equal to who we are is the key.
I commit myself to assist myself to see that unprocessed food/ food direct from the earth gets processed for taste which becomes processed food, so i commit myself to be aware of my motivation to eat - not to eat because the food tastes good - but to rather look at nutrition instead.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that because the paleo diet advocates less carbohydrates, judge it as better than other diets.
When and as I see myself believing that more carbohydrates is dangerous for my health, I stop - I breathe. I realize carbs or carbohydrates are here not for us to judge but to support our body to have physical energy. It is when we give the body more or less than the carbohydrates it needs - as we are focused on getting the taste - that we do not look at nutrition in our food but more on entertainment.
I commit to assist myself to look at the nutrition present in the food I eat.
I commit to assist myself to see taste as an expression of the food i eat.
I commit to assist myself to develop an equal and one relationship with the body.
Friday, April 8, 2016
Jealousy Is About Me Not About My Partner
Jealousy is not about our partner, It is about us.
We 'JEAL' (or feel) LOUS-y because we defined ourselves as incomplete being alone or without a partner - therefore, inferior. We enter a relationship thinking that our partner will complete the lack within us - having an illusion that we will become superior within that. So, when we see our partner calling another, looking at another etc., we fear we can loose him - thereby also losing that 'complete us' that is now in a relationship which we defined will make us complete. We believe that if our partner keeps looking and calling another, this false sense of completeness will be lost and we will end up being alone. This is us fearing being incomplete when we are alone - without a relationship.
I am looking at Jealousy here as an embodiment. I have memories of it when I was a kid where It all started. In my relationships, I can see this character in little things that i think about or do and an interview reminded me of it.
I am writing Self-forgiveness statements as a way of saying 'I am sorry' to myself for creating unnecessary stress in my body whenever I get jealous.
Self-forgiveness Statements:
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be anxious when i see my partner smiling to another.
When and as I see myself becoming anxious when I see my partner smiling to another, I stop, I breathe. I realize that this is me trying to keep my partner for myself like a possession instead of seeing and realizing he is my mirror of myself. So, I commit myself to assist myself to see that who I am is a part of life - and that value does not decrease of increase when i have or not have a partner.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be anxious when i see my partner looking at another.
When and as I see myself being anxious when I see my partner looking at another woman/man, I stop - I breathe. I realize that the focus of attention of my eyes is my partner and not myself. So I commit myself to focus my attention on who and what i am in every moment and bring myself to stability by living the words 'stability', 'beingness' and 'completeness'.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be anxious when my partner calls another.
When and as I see myself getting anxious when my partner calls another, I stop - I breathe. I realize that this is me traveling to the past in the present - with a memory of my mom being asked to dance by another man and me resisting the idea of her dancing with another man in an event where I hold onto my mom so she cannot dance with this man believing that this man is going to steal my mom from me instead of seeing that dancing with someone is not about possessing the dance partner but rather 2 people with bodies moving in harmony dancing with the music - and remind myself also that when my partner calls another, he is exchanging insights with another. So i commit myself to live my redefinition of the word call - to connect with someone using the phone to communicate or share insights with one another as me.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be anxious when my partner shows affinity with someone.
When and as I see myself becoming anxious when my partner shows affinity to another, I stop - I breathe. I realize that affinity with another is about seeing the other as oneself so I should bring it back to myself. So, I commit myself to have affinity with myself and show affinity to my partner as myself and see him as me showing affinity to someone when i see him with another.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
7 People Calling Me To Sell Me Something: The Start Is Usually, 'How Are You?'
Have you experienced 7 people calling you from one organization for one thing - to ask you how you are doing because they have not seen you for a month?
I had this experience recently and i saw my stomach move - within a reaction. So, instead of 'bitching' or 'suppressing my reactions' I am doing some self-forgiveness as a way of saying 'I am sorry' to myself for creating some stress within my body in addition to the physical stress that i am giving it. I am living my correction so I can change and be the best me possible.
Self-forgiveness Statements:
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react to people who calls me many times to tell me what they want me to do, not seeing and realizing my body can suffer and have some stress when i am reacting.
When and as I see myself reacting to people who calls me many times to tell me what they want me to do, I stop - I breathe. I realize that this is what i did when i was selling products to others before.
I commit myself to say words that aligns to what is best considering the survival point in a job setting.
When and as i see myself react to 7 people from one organization calling me - asking in the beginning, 'how are you?' then asking to come to the organization, I stop - I breathe.
I realize that I decided to stop communication with these people as i wanted to correct my relationship with them but i did not know how at that moment, so as i was figuring out the 'best for all' way of doing it where i will not suppress nor allow myself to blame them for my resistance.
I commit myself to openly communicate to people not only to get agreement but to share insights in a way that i am truly here and seeing them as beings like me even if they are selling me something and direct the communication.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist calling people daily when I am selling something, as part of my job to get their response on the survey/sales I am making.
When and as i see myself resisting calling people daily for surveys, i stop - I breathe. I realize that i am trying to survive in the sales field - which is part of the system.
I commit myself to utter words that are based on commonsense when i sell something to people - based on practicality realizing the equal and one relationship that exist within us all, the people involved and the products and services offered.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to judge the company I work for and the clients I see/talk to when communicating with both - in my mind.
When and as i see myself judging the company i work for and the clients/prospects i talk to - in my mind, I stop - I breathe. I realize that the sales field is part of this system so I commit myself to use commonsense and practicality in dealing with the company i work for and prospects/clients while selling.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Monday, April 4, 2016
Eating When Hungry for Affection Etc.
Eating To Say 'Thank You Mom'
This blog is me saying 'I am sorry to myself' for using 'eating' other than what it is used for. So below, I am going to forgive myself.
My Self-forgiveness Statements:
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to eat when I am hungry for affection.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to eat when I am hungry for attention.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to eat when I am stressed.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to eat when I do not know the solution to my problem.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to eat when I am excited.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to eat when I am sad.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to eat when I am happy.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to eat because it is a habit that I formed.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to eat because I am alone.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to eat when I am nervous.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to eat when I am bored.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to eat when I am uncertain of whether to do or not to do something.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
eat when I want to have a break from working in the internet.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go to the kitchen and open the door of the refrigerator even when the body does not need nourishment - but as a habit.
Eating To Say 'Thank You Mom'
Eating When Hungry For Affection
Eating Saying Thank You to Mom
Eating Saying Thank You to Mom
This blog is about me redefining the word 'Eating'.
*Self-forgiveness is about me releasing the subjective interpretations i have to the word.
*Self-forgiveness is about me releasing the subjective interpretations i have to the word.
I forgive myself that have accepted and allowed myself to say thank you to my mom for cooking my favorite food by eating a lot of it instead of just saying 'Thank you' to my mom and using food that she cooked to nourish the body.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to copy others where when they eat, I also want to eat believing that it is better to eat with someone than when I am alone.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am a spoil sport when I do not eat in events.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am unaware of - when I am hungry, instead of seeing and realizing i have abused my body by eating when I am not hungry to entertain myself that this is a consequence outflow of that.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire new tastes in food rather than use food to nourish the body and be here to enjoy its taste.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to impose on the body by tasting new or exotic food and eventually eating it for entertainment's sake rather than for nourishment.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I do not know how to communicate with my body rather than see realize and understand it is my body and that I have to develop an equal and one relationship to it.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I do not know how much I should eat of each food item that goes inside my mouth rather than test to figure it out.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that i cannot trust what i see in my muscle testing.
Within this,
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that muscle testing is guesswork.
Within this,
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that with muscle testing there is no certainty.
I forgive myself that I have a accepted and allowed myself to blame my mom for leaving the food on the table all the time for all to eat.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe eating is a pastime, a source of entertainment, happiness, and fun, rather than a source of nutrition.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I should know how to cook so I can cook and eat nice tasting food and also so my ex-husband and my kids can have nice tasting food so we can all be entertained by food rather than be nourished by it.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire the praise of others when they eat what i cook instead of cooking to nourish the body and other's body.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Thinking About Past Events Compromises Our Body's Health
This blog is about me thinking about past events in my mind which is creating resonant stress that compromises the body's health.
We know that when we think, the mind uses energy. This energy can be used by the body instead - for doing what it needs to do to function efficiently.
So, the self-forgiveness statements are written as my way of saying sorry to myself.
So, the self-forgiveness statements are written as my way of saying sorry to myself.
The correction statements that follow after the self-forgiveness statements are scripts that I direct myself to do to be able to assist myself to change to be the best me I can be.
Self-forgiveness Statements:
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think about events that happened in the past - where I contradicted someone or someone contradicted me.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think about events that happened in the past - where I praised someone or someone praised me.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that what I said was taken in the wrong context by another - within judgment.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think about what I could have said instead that is better than what I said to the person.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to process information I got from others in my mind and react to it in my mind.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the other person was reacting to what I said in my mind.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to repeatedly 'chew' on what other people said and what I said in my mind and create a scenarios about different ways I could have said it - within doubt.
When and as I see myself thinking about events that happened in the past - where someone contradicted me, I stop - I breath. I realize that when I think about events that happened in the past - when someone contradicted me, I am trying to 'right the wrong' in my mind rather than correct myself in present time.
I commit myself to rather than think about events where someone contradicted me, write down what happened in the past and look at any problem, forgive and write the correction, and do that which I said I would do to correct myself realizing this is not about others agreeing to what I said and me defining myself as more within that nor defining myself as less when they disagree with what i said - but how I can correct myself in real time.
I commit myself to not take things personally when others disagree with me but rather take that as support for me to see my points.
When and as I see myself thinking about events in the past where someone praised me or I praised someone, I stop - I breathe. I realize that this is me savoring the event which I defined as more in my mind over and over again to magnify it - because someone did something worthy of praise or I was praised by someone - to rather than doing that see and realize that it is about being stable and living who I really am here.
I commit myself to live as who I really am - not defined by how many people praise me for what I did nor how many people like what I did.
When and as I see myself believing that what i said was taken out of context by someone else, I stop - I breathe. I realize that this is what I believed happened - in my mind, and not what actually happened in reality - within judgment, so, I have to put it back to myself and look at when I took what someone said out of context and where I defined myself as more within self- interest.
I commit myself to tell the truth - and not tell a lie so I can be more - within self-interest - to be liked by others - but utter words that sound off who I really am.
I commit myself to quote people who said something verbatim - where. I write what they say exactly how they said it - and not interpret what they said with my own words but rather give my perspective signed by me about what was quoted (or what was said).
I commit myself to assist myself to be stable when I am faced with people who disagree with what I say or have an opposing view of what I stand for.
I commit myself to sound off who i am when i speak and assist myself to see that what I say is an expression of who I am and who I am is not to be compromised so that others will like me.
I commit myself to instead of believing and thinking that others took what I said into context, live responsibility by putting what I said into context and write about what I really meant.
When and as I see myself thinking about what I could have said instead in my mind when I already said what I said, I stop - I breathe. I realize that others may or may not take what I said personally but the fact that I am thinking about it rather than taking responsibility in the moment by writing it down forgiving and correcting myself compromises my process.
I commit myself to rather than thinking about how I can correct myself, write down what I was thinking about, forgive, and correct myself and apply that in my living by bringing it back to myself and living the correction.
When and as I see myself processing information in my mind and reacting to it in my mind I stop - I breathe. I realize that it is not supportive to process information in my mind.
I commit myself to write the information and my reaction to it on paper or in a blog, forgive myself and correct myself in real time.
When and as I see myself believing that the other person is reacting - in my mind, I stop - I breathe. I realize that I am judging that person based on an interpretation of what he/she wrote.
I commit myself to rather than think about a perceived reaction from others regarding what I said, get to know that person and talk about how we can work together for what is best for all and carry it through.
When and as I see myself chewing on what others said and what I said in the past and create different ways of how I could have said it in my mind - within doubt, I stop I breathe. I realize that the reason I am doing this in my mind is because of the belief that the mind is here so I can process problems, rather than see , realize and understand that it is through writing that I look at problems to forgive and correct myself - where within this, I rewrite the way I process information and correct myself in my living - within this, doubt itself can be seen , forgiven and corrected.
I commit myself to write down, forgive and correct myself in writing and then apply the correction in my living application - or in instances where I have to change in the moment, change and apply the commonsense correction even when I have not written about the problem.
I commit myself to redefine words that I have used and abused the moment i see it and live its redefined definition.
I commit myself to rather than suppress my expression when others express disagreement to what i say - expand myself by assisting myself to communicate with those people in a way that we can learn and work together for what is best for all.
I commit myself to rather than resist being wrong, and want to be right, take feedback from others - taking that as a reference point on what i need to work on within myself.
I commit myself to be stable in my expression of who and what I am - correcting as i go - realizing that this does not depend on how others see me but rather, on who I am and how I see myself and my real value as a human that is part of this life therefore responsible to what I accept and allow in my within - as the mind, and in my without - as the world system that i am currently in.
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