
Tao of Food Preparation Recipes

Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
'Living' E-book

Sunday, April 22, 2012

2012: Seeing NR, A Family Member, in LA - Day 7

I did not talk to NR for about 4 yrs - because of something that she did - that i saw was wrong. When we came to LA - i talked to her and she was asking me assistance on how to do self-forgiveness.
I would like to direct the point of believing she did something wrong - using self-forgiveness and self-correction.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to judge that what  NR did was wrong - seeing her as less than me and me more than her- believing that actions are right when they benefit me and my relationships - in self-interest - and they are wrong when it does not benefit me and my relationships -rather than deciding from the basis of what is best for all.

Self-correction Script:
When and as I see myself believing that what NR did is wrong, - i stop - i breathe. I realise that believing that actions are right when they benefit me and my relationships - in self-interest - and they are wrong when it does not benefit me and my relationships - are created in my mind - as i identify as the ego-personality. I realise that judging what she did was wrong - - seeing her as less than me and me more than her- gives me a feeling that i was right as the ego-personality defined by right and wrong - rather than what is best for all. I stop participating because this is not what is best for me and not what is best for all.

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