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'Living' E-book

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

2012: WORDS: REDEFINING 'WHO AM I ?' Self Realization: Day 102 LANGUAGE as Letters as Words as Symbols

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In this blog, i will redefine the words 'who' and 'Am', the letter 'I' and the symbol ?
and then i will redefine the question, 'Who am i?'

Redefining 'WHO'
According To The Dictionary, 'who' means
what person or persons?


What person or persons? - referred to, as the character in/as the physical /body - perceiving oneself as separate from all life - breathing, thinking, believing, fearing, justifying, judging, loving etc. as the character - cycling through positive, neutral and negative energy experiences - desiring the positive energy experiences within/as ones mind - in a world based on inequality.

Realizing through the process of self-perfection,  that who one is - as the physical, as the body, as the breath -  equal to all life  - as one is made from the same substance all are made of

What person or persons? referred to as the real character - as the physical, as the body, as the breath - writing, talking and doing what is best for all life - as who one really is - in a world that truly honors life - where all live as equals.

According To The Dictionary, the 'I' is

the nominative singular pronoun, used by a speaker in referring to himself or herself.


The 'I' is a letter used by the speaker or writer to refer to oneself - separate from everything and everyone - separate from the plant, the humans, the animals and other manifestations in this world.

This is a limited definition where one as the 'I' - as the character - act within self-interest - driven to survive in a world based on inequality - always seeking for the 'moreness of oneself' within accumulated positive energy - as one defines oneself within the positive and negative energetic experiences as memories - separated within the past, present and future - fears losing oneself as the character -  which is an alternate version of oneself - an illusion.

One looks at the world one is existing in/as - based on inequality - and sees the consequence of separation and living from the starting point of self-interest. 

Realizing through ones process of self-perfection, that one is equal to all that is here as the substance/physical - forgives oneself and commits to correct oneself and birth oneself to stand for what is best for all.

*The I is a letter used by a speaker or writer in referring to oneself - standing equal to all that exist - humans, plants, animals etc. - where one forgives oneself for separating oneself from another - for separating oneself within time - and corrects oneself in every moment of breath - standing for what is best for all - as ALL LIFE. 

One realizes 'as within so without' - assists in creating a world based on equality -  where  plants, animals, humans and other manifestations/expressions lives as equals.

Redefining 'Am'

Am according to the dictionary, means 1st person singular present indicative of be. 
Be means - to exist or live


Am is showing, signifying, or pointing out that we exist or live - as the mind in/as the physical body which we manipulate to move in a way that expresses who we are as the mind - where one exist as an alternate version of oneself - separate from the physicalliving to survive in a world based on inequality.

Realizing through the process of self-perfection, that the individual is existing and living as real beings - in and as the body - equal to all that exist - stops the mind  and births the the real character that exist as the physical - as the body - as who one is as the breath in every moment- standing for what is best for all in a world that truly honors life - based on equality.

The Question Mark

 According to the Wkipedia, the question mark is 
is a punctuation mark that replaces the full stop (period) at the end of an interrogative sentence in English and many other languages. 

Redefining The Question Mark:

It is a symbol that replaces the full stop at the end of an interrogative sentence in English and many other languages - seeinng the one asking the question and the one being asked as separate from each other - within ones mind - and the question mark separate from all life - used in asking questions where one goes within ones mind - in an alternate reality - where one explores the answer to the question being asked - asking how one can survive in a world based on inequality.

Realizing through the process of self-perfection, that one is equal to all that exist, sees the question mark as a symbol that replaces the full stop at the end of an interrogative sentence in English and many other languages - where the one asking the question and the one answering the question and the symbol used as the question mark is equal to all that exist - used in asking questions where one use it using commonsense - asking about real manifestations/expressions and what their allocation is in this world, how one is expressing oneself as who one is - asking and answering questions about how one participates within/as ones mind - deconstructing ones patterns and reconstructing oneself as the real character that stands for what is best for all life - assisting in establishing a world that truly honors life - based on equality.

Redefining WHO AM I?
'Who am i?' - is a question one asks oneself - inquiring who self is -trying to find out who one is -  finding answers - using theories, religious doctrines, knowledge and information, beliefs etc. - separate from oneself - to explain who one is as that self - coming from a negative energetic experience of not knowing who one is - created in ones the mind - an alternate reality - where one exist as the alternate version of oneself - in separation from all life - where one is perceived separate from knowledge and information - where knowledge and information is judged as more than oneself -and not having knowledge and information as less than oneself - accepting and allowing the mind to decide for oneself 

Realizes through ones process of self-perfection that one is equal to all that exist - as all are made from the same substance all are made of

Seeing/realizing/understanding the commonsense that - who am i? - is a question one asks oneself  - about how one as the character created one within/as ones mind as ones conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind as  thoughts,  backchats etc. - that one use  to manipulate oneself as the physical.

One also investigates the collective characters that one supports in existing as the character - as who one has become - as how we collectively, as all characters in this world - create the current unequal monetary system.

One looks at ones thoughts, backchats etc. breath by breath, moment by moment - deconstructing the patterns using self-forgiveness for accepting and allowing oneself to exist within an alternate reality - within/as the mind - and committing to correct oneself to reconstruct oneself for what is best for all life .

One redefines ones words - looks at ones expression as ones actions - as ones spoken and written words - not accepting and allowing anything less than who one is - as who self is - as the substance - as the physical - as the breath that is here in every moment - assisting and directing oneself to live as who one is - within writing self-forgiveness and self-corrective application breath by breath, moment by moment. 

One births oneself as the REAL character in/as the PHYSICAL as WHO one is -as the WHO I AM  -  standing for what is best for all life - as self as all life -  until all are free - and life is here forevermore -as one aligns oneself to who one is as LIFE within and without.

One realizes that what is without mirrors what is within and what is within mirrors what is without - assists in establishing a new system based on equality - where all will be given value equal to life - as self is all life - as we create heaven into/as earth

Redefining Words:

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