
Tao of Food Preparation Recipes

Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
'Living' E-book

Monday, March 30, 2015

Lessons I Learned From My Daughter's Visit: Money and Relationships

We arrived at Ashville, North Carolina after travelling for about  14 hrs. from Dallas, Texas. We arrived at the airport and was trying to find our way when someone shouted at me and waved her hand. I looked and saw my daughter.

I saw her and noticed that familiar face. Interestingly enough, she has some facial features that look like mine. We have not seen each other since 2002. It was nice to see her again.

Her employer sent her to America for training so they paid her fare and her hotel where she is now staying for 7 days. The hotel room was big. She had a king size bed with 4 plump pillows that are encased with a clean white pillow case. There were water bottles on the table top. The television was in front of the bed. There was a coffee maker on the other table. Inside the bathroom there were towels of different sizes, shampoo and soap ready for her to use.

Normally, it's very difficult to enter the US from the Philippines. This can also be very expensive since the dollar is higher in value than the Philippine peso. Only the Philippine elite can travel to the US. Since her employer is paying her travel expenses, money is now out of the question.

Let"s look at a different scenario and ask ourselves this question,
Given that we have a set amount of money we receive every month to pay for our basic necessities to survive just for being born in this world and in addition to that we receive an additional amount of money when we work and receive this guaranteed survival amenities from our country of origin, for both children and adults - would we still migrate?

Using commonsense, the answer will be - no, not as much as we do now, that we migrate to increase our chances of survival in terms of money.

I enjoy her being here but she had to leave her son in the Philippines with her aunt for a week to work here. Her son is being taken cared of by her aunt and that is not a problem.

I can see that there can be room for improvement  in terms of how we can live our life, express ourselves, do what we love to do, plus have better relationships if we work on how our ecosystem of money is structured

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Lessons I Learned From My Daughter's Stay: Comfort Equals Money

We are travelling to see my daughter who is visiting North Carolina from the Philippines for a week for work training.

It is very interesting that after travelling for 4 hrs. we can sleep and rest at a motel for $62. We still have to travel 10 hrs. tomorrow from Malvern, Arkansas to Tennessee then to our final destination - Asheville, North Carolina, where we will pick-up my daughter from the airport.

That is how much we pay for comfort. We can sleep in the car and be uncomfortable for no money but we choose to be comfortable for the night and pay the fee.

Comfort = money

This is why we have to earn more money. The homeless and the poor in the streets of LA, Dallas, the Philippines etc. cannot afford this comfort. The ones with money can.

We avoid discomfort but with no money, we do not have a choice.

It would be cool to see every human able to afford a comfortable home where they can rest and enjoy a good nights sleep.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The 'I Am Poor' Mind Pattern: Voiceless Part 2

Youtube Link

Mind Pattern

>I am powerless without money 
>I do not have a voice 
>Please pity me 
>give me alms or charity in cash or in kind

The fact is, without money we cannot have the basic necessities to survive. 
Here, I am looking at a belief that If I do not have money, I do not have a voice, therefore powerless.
Here, there is a desire to be pitied and to receive alms or charity.

Wanting to be pitied and accepting less than what we are worth, like alms or charity is not good enough. We are all parts of this one life so we have equal rights to the resources given to us equally by the earth - we have to speak up and rewrite this mind pattern and create a world that guarantees survival for all.

I will rewrite this pattern by using self-forgiveness, redefining words and writing a self-correction script - using a commitment statement to correct myself in every moment - when I see myself getting into this pattern.

What is Self-forgiveness? 

It is the process by which an individual forgives oneself for accepting and allowing self to separate from objective reality, releasing positive and negative value judgments such as good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative - as subjective interpretations of reality regarding something or someone that leads to stability as breath. 

Self-forgiveness Statements:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I do not have a voice and that because I have no money, I am powerless - rather than see, realize and understand that money is distributed unequally - others receive more and others receive less - so it is for me to  assist and support a system where all have the basic necessities to survive - starting with a living income guarantee - supporting equality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to be pitied believing that that will make others give me a little bit of money so I can survive, instead of seeing and realizing that - I am giving myself a value that is less than life - by being someone who needs charity to survive - rather than giving myself a value equal to life - someone who is part of the whole - that is life, one who has the right to receive equal resources from the earth - and one who has the right to receive an amount of money that guarantees survival from birth to death.

Correction Script

I commit myself to blog and speak about the problems of inequality and the solutions available  -  to pave the way for a society that aligns its expression to the expression of life, where the main principle of life is the basis of its social policy and decisions - 'what is best for all'.

I commit myself to redefine the word 'poor' 

POO-p of the earth, grrr-R

P-ossibility and O-pportunity O-ccuring for us to take R-esponsibility


Deserving or inciting pity

Deserving a living income and guaranteed survival from birth to death

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Eyes That Speak: Voiceless Part 1

Youtube Link

Mind Pattern
>I am powerless without money 
>I do not have a voice 
>Please pity me 
>give me alms or charity in cash or in kind

The fact is, without money we cannot have the basic necessities to survive. 
Here, I am looking at a belief that I do not have a voice, therefore powerless.
Here, there is a desire to be pitied and to receive alms or charity.

Wanting to be pitied and accepting less than what we are worth, like alms or charity is not good enough. We are all parts of this one life so we have equal rights to the resources given to us equally by the earth - we have to speak up and rewrite this mind pattern.


Part 2

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Judging Competitions: 'I Do Not Want To Be The Judge'

Mind Pattern

>I know she will be the winner 
>I know the other contestant will not win
>I know who will win 
>but I do not want to be a judge 
>because I do not like competitions 

Here, there is a projection while observing two contestants  who will win and who will lose and when invited to be a judge, there arose some fear which was justified rather than directed.

I will rewrite this pattern through using self-forgiveness, redefining words and writing a self-correction script (using a commitment statement to correct myself in every moment - when I see myself getting into this pattern).

What is Self-forgiveness? 

It is the process by which an individual forgives oneself for accepting and allowing self to separate from objective reality, releasing positive and negative value judgments such as good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative - as subjective interpretations of reality regarding something or someone that leads to stability as breath. 

Self-forgiveness Statements and Correction Script:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself  to - as a spectator, judge one contestant as better than the other believing that my feeling in judging her/him as better is real, instead of seeing and realizing that  a skill measured by feelings is subjective and so it is to see that skills can be measured using numbers that has value that is not more or less than another but an objective assessment of skill that can be measured objectively.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to - as a spectator, judge  the other contestant as less than the other believing that my feeling in judging her/him as less than the other is real, instead of seeing and realizing that a skill measured by feelings is subjective and so it is to see that her/his skills can be measured using numbers that has value that is not more or less than another but an objective assessment of a skill that can be measured objectively.

I commit myself to judging objectively using numbers that identify the skill using values that are representations of what the skill is

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to project into the future who will win believing that my feelings about who will win can be trusted instead of seeing and realizing that I interpret what I observe in my mind so it is  a subjective interpretation of what i observe rather than what it really is

I commit myself to observe certain criteria for a winning speech and objectively assess the skill of the person according to that where numbers are representations of value that is not seen as more than or less than life but of a skill walked and expressed.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear judging a competition believing that
it is not good to judge someone as more or less than another instead of seeing and realizing that I have attached the word judge to competitions and has given it a negative value and I am reacting to the values I have given it - as more or less.

I commit myself to redefine the word judge and change according to my redefined definition that aligns to what is mutually beneficial to all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to justify my fear of competitions believing that in competitions one can lose, rather than seeing and realizing that it is us fearing not surviving in this world that we compete to survive - so it is for me to see the value of the skill of the person, equal to a number that is not a representation of either more or less value - within fear of not surviving - but an objective representation of a skill that is measurable.

 I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear losing and desire winning believing that to survive I have to win - instead of seeing and realizing that instead of fearing not surviving in this world of inequality, and having the illusion that we can transcend this fear by winning in competitions -  we have to address the problem of unequal distribution of resources given to us all equally by the earth through a guaranteed living income.

Redefining the word 'judge'


An authority who is able to estimate worth or quality

JU-s-t the cutting e-DGE

An authority who is able to give points equal to worth or quality of a skill of someone or usefulness of something.

JU-stice to  D-eeds G-eared towards ones Expression

Monday, March 2, 2015

Public Speaking: 'I Need to Use Body Movements' Mind Pattern

Link to the Blog
Craving Part 2 Speech
'I Need To Use Body Movements' Mind Pattern

'I Need To Use Body Movements' Mind Pattern
>I need to explain this concept 
>I need to show it using body movements 
>as my visual aids 

Here, there's an idea of how I should present the topic based on information given in the manual and a desire to put body movements as part of the speech to get the audience engaged creating an excuse and a justification for mind manipulation that translate into a behavior .

I will rewrite this pattern by using self-forgiveness, redefining words and writing a self-correction script (using a commitment statement to correct myself in every moment - when I see myself getting into this pattern.

What is Self-forgiveness? 

It is the process by which an individual forgives oneself for accepting and allowing self to separate from objective reality, releasing positive and negative value judgments such as good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative - as subjective interpretations of reality regarding something or someone that leads to stability as breath. 

Self-forgiveness Statements:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to explain to others my message in my speech using body language believing that I need to add body movements to my speech so it can be really understood as an idea that i got from the speech manual - and using that as an excuse to create body movements that are directed by my fear of being disliked and desire to be liked - to justify what I am doing,

Instead of seeing and realizing that adding body movements that are driven by my fear of not being liked by others is not a solution but a compounding of that very same fear -  causing the body to use movement as stress response - where instead of looking at this pattern driven by fear and rewrite the pattern, I try to run away from it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have an idea of how great a speech can be with body movements incorporated into it - which makes me special - so that one day I can be a 'well-known speaker',  magnifying my value through using body movements in my speech so people will like it - which is me creating an alternate version of me in my mind that is larger than life so I will be liked by others - having attached that to earning more money - using a speech for my own selfish interest.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I should use body movements as visual-aids for the purpose of getting my speech to be liked by others  - and to fit into the structure laid out in the manual which is really manipulation, instead of seeing and realizing that body movements as visual aids are used to give my message that is mutually beneficial to all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that a speech needs to have more visuals to cater to the mind's desire of the audience  instead of realizing that I do not have to entertain the audience but use more visuals for the purpose of giving the speech effectively and imparting a message that benefits all.

I commit myself to give a speech using body language for the purpose of giving an effective speech - one where my message can be clearly understood - the message being aligned to what is best for everyone.

I commit myself to make body movements/language that are not fueled with emotional and feeling energy but rather, self-directed body movements that support my message.

So, I commit myself to support myself to speak about my fears, how I faced them in my speech,  how I changed and what solutions worked - adding body movements that I see are appropriate for the message to be effective which is my own decision based on having walked the journey of giving a speech to many individuals.

I commit myself to redefine the word 'body',

The entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being)
(BO-om box of D-rty laundr-Y)
The entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being, etc.) that  works for what is best for all
(BO-ardroom Decides Y-es for what is mutually beneficial for all)

I commit myself to redefine the word 'movements'
A change of position that does or does not entail a change of location 
(MOVE- ME i-NT-o S-atisfaction) 
A change of position directed by oneself that does or does not entail change of location that leads to what is mutually beneficial for all.
(MOVE ME-a-NT for/as S-elf)

I commit myself to redefine the word 'speech'
The act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience
(SPE-ak with E-nergy and CH-ange others)

The act of delivering a spoken communication  on topics such as self-change, world change, or solutions etc. that will be mutually beneficial to an audience
(SPE-ak and E-xpress your own CH-ange)

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