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Craving Part 2 Speech
'I Need To Use Body Movements' Mind Pattern
'I Need To Use Body Movements' Mind Pattern
>I need to explain this concept
>I need to show it using body movements
>as my visual aids
Here, there's an idea of how I should present the topic based on information given in the manual and a desire to put body movements as part of the speech to get the audience engaged creating an excuse and a justification for mind manipulation that translate into a behavior .
I will rewrite this pattern by using self-forgiveness, redefining words and writing a self-correction script (using a commitment statement to correct myself in every moment - when I see myself getting into this pattern.
What is Self-forgiveness?
It is the process by which an individual forgives oneself for accepting and allowing self to separate from objective reality, releasing positive and negative value judgments such as good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative - as subjective interpretations of reality regarding something or someone that leads to stability as breath.
Self-forgiveness Statements:
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to explain to others my message in my speech using body language believing that I need to add body movements to my speech so it can be really understood as an idea that i got from the speech manual - and using that as an excuse to create body movements that are directed by my fear of being disliked and desire to be liked - to justify what I am doing,
Instead of seeing and realizing that adding body movements that are driven by my fear of not being liked by others is not a solution but a compounding of that very same fear - causing the body to use movement as stress response - where instead of looking at this pattern driven by fear and rewrite the pattern, I try to run away from it.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have an idea of how great a speech can be with body movements incorporated into it - which makes me special - so that one day I can be a 'well-known speaker', magnifying my value through using body movements in my speech so people will like it - which is me creating an alternate version of me in my mind that is larger than life so I will be liked by others - having attached that to earning more money - using a speech for my own selfish interest.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I should use body movements as visual-aids for the purpose of getting my speech to be liked by others - and to fit into the structure laid out in the manual which is really manipulation, instead of seeing and realizing that body movements as visual aids are used to give my message that is mutually beneficial to all.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that a speech needs to have more visuals to cater to the mind's desire of the audience instead of realizing that I do not have to entertain the audience but use more visuals for the purpose of giving the speech effectively and imparting a message that benefits all.
I commit myself to give a speech using body language for the purpose of giving an effective speech - one where my message can be clearly understood - the message being aligned to what is best for everyone.
I commit myself to make body movements/language that are not fueled with emotional and feeling energy but rather, self-directed body movements that support my message.
So, I commit myself to support myself to speak about my fears, how I faced them in my speech, how I changed and what solutions worked - adding body movements that I see are appropriate for the message to be effective which is my own decision based on having walked the journey of giving a speech to many individuals.
I commit myself to redefine the word 'body',
The entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being)
(BO-om box of D-rty laundr-Y)
The entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being, etc.) that works for what is best for all
(BO-ardroom Decides Y-es for what is mutually beneficial for all)
I commit myself to redefine the word 'movements'
A change of position that does or does not entail a change of location
(MOVE- ME i-NT-o S-atisfaction)
A change of position directed by oneself that does or does not entail change of location that leads to what is mutually beneficial for all.
(MOVE ME-a-NT for/as S-elf)
I commit myself to redefine the word 'speech'
The act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience
(SPE-ak with E-nergy and CH-ange others)
The act of delivering a spoken communication on topics such as self-change, world change, or solutions etc. that will be mutually beneficial to an audience
(SPE-ak and E-xpress your own CH-ange)
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