
Tao of Food Preparation Recipes

Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
'Living' E-book

Friday, June 1, 2012

2012: Raw Food :It's All About LOVE! Day 49

My Food and Nutrition Blogs

*When i see videos of other raw food chefs who i see as the best, i will immediately look at how they did it and the cool part of how they presented their products - i will plan to improve on it- in a way, having a backchat of how they are not the best - which is really me judging them as less than me and me more than them - and when i see me less than them, i will look at their recipe and make a better one - so i can be more than them.

I buy superfoods, believing they will give me better health - as i identify as the ego-personality defined by illness and health - death and life - where the driving force is FEAR of Death/illness - not realizing that i am equal to all that exist - raw food chefs - as humans - and plants as equal as humans. All plants , animals, humans, and l'non-living things' equal to/as me - as life/substance.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to judge other rawfood chefs as more than me and me less than them - and compare them to me - get jealous - and then do something to make me look better than them - like making a better recipe - defining me within the polarity of best and worst - as i identify as the ego-personality - separate from all that exist - split into the 'good me and the bad me' - doubting who i am as self/substance - and being uncertain of who i have become - the angel or the devil - and accumulating anxiety - creating FEAR that drives me to be the BEST - and then compete with others - within comparison, judgment and jealousy - rather than compete and be driven with fear- i simply live as who i am - equal to all that exist

I commit to through writing self-forgiveness and self-commitment - assist me when and as i see myself deciding from a starting point of Fear - to stop and breath and realize when this happens - i am not here. The personality is here - it is me as the ego-personality believing i am split into 2 worlds - as the 'good me and the bad me' - and fearing to be the 'worst' - 'do something to be the best' - where i abuse life/substance by getting energy from the physical body to feed the mind energy - so that i can compete to be the best - not realizing i am here as breath in every moment - i only have to move me - and simply live as who i am as self-equal to all that exist. .


I commit to through writing self-forgiveness and self-commitment to correct my self when and as i see myself connect the word best to other words or names which make me see the words/names - more than or less than what they really are - as me -as letters that comprise a word- as symbols - as sounds that is equal to all that exist .

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realise that participation within the polarity game I am accepting both the negative experience as well as the positive experience to exist within and as me as I have given permission for the positive polarity through my desire to experience the positive polarity thus accepting and allowing the negative polarity experience to exist as a rejection within and as myself
Commitment Statements:
I commit myself to speak words as words of living expressions of myself realising that each word that I speak I am giving life to as an expression of who I am.

Reference for Redefining Words

*Creating This World :
*In the raw food world, i see plants being labeled as superfoods, just like people being labeled as the best - which is in fact using words to signify inequality within different plant forms - according to ones belief that some plants will give us the 'best health' - not realizing that we are specializing plants because of our belief that the superfoods will make us live longer - not realizing that it is motivated by FEAR of illness or death.

Self-forgiveness for Inequality:
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not see that plants, animals, humans and 'non- living things' are equal to all that exist - and that judging them as the best is in fact defining all within the polarity of best and worst - where the 'worst' complete the 'best' and the 'best' cannot exist without worst - coming from a starting point of  the ego-personality - perceived separate from all that exist - and not see/realize and understand that how we define words is how we express self here - not seeing and realizing that we abuse life/substance this way - consuming life/substance in favor of the good feeling which we will get from believing we will be healthy when we eat superfoods or that judging rawfood chefs as the best will make them feel goo - and we will feel good that they will feel good - as an energy that defines who we are as that limited ego - not realizing we are equal to all that exist - and we simply live as who we are.

*Slaughter of Plants 

I forgive myself that i have not seen/realize and understand that superfoods are plants that come from the earth - and as we take produce from the earth - we take into consideration that that produce/plant/superfood is not just for the elite but for all humans to assist their body to survive - not seeing and realizing if we do not stop this current unequal monetary system -  what the earth produce will only be consumed by people with money - and those that are making money to survive in this system of inequality - depriving those without money - access to produce from the earth - not seeing and realizing the commonsense/practicality of establishing a system of equality  so that this will stop - not realizing this will  birth life on earth - and manifest life base on equality - for life to be here forevermore.

I commit myself to research how we can have food that will be best for all - to assist the body to survive optimally - so that we will not mine the earth for plants with the excuse - that we have to eat them to survive - justifying mass slaughter of plants for money/profit and energy - to look good and feel good

*Survival as Money - In favor of Life - In an Unequal Monetary System
I forgive myself for allowing  a system of inequality where because of money - Monsanto - gets to engineer crops for money - transforming substance/life from the physical for money
I forgive myself for allowing a system of inequality where i have to slaughter plants for money as a rawfood chef

I commit myself to establishing a new system based on equality - where life/substance - earth - will not be mined and its produce consumed for money

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