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Thursday, June 28, 2012

2012: Redefining Relationships Part 36 Day 75

Redefining Relationships

Link to My Partner's Blog of the same subject:

According to the Dictionary

Relationship is 
an emotional or other connection between people

This is a limited definition as the ego-personality perceiving itself separate from all.
I am redefining relationships and giving it a meaning equal to who i am - as all life - one that i can live and express as who i am as life.

(RELA-te T-o someone as 'I' in connecti-ON to SH-ape engaging as the 'I' drawn by P-ictures in S-eparation from all) 
Relationships redefined:
A connection between people who perceived themselves separate from all life - separating oneself within ones mind as one defines oneself within feelings, emotions, positive, neutral and negative experiences towards another. There is a fear of losing  ones identity when ones survival is threatened as that limited personality defined by positive experiences. An example for this would be, when one loses ones financial stability or personal possessions.Ones survival and support of this unequal monetary system becomes the purpose of ones existence - because that supports ones survival in this world - accepting and allowing that which is not what is best for all - just so one can survive. The desire to be in a relationship with other personalities separate from oneself. is primarily motivated by survival. Realizing that this is not what is best for oneself nor what is best for all - redefines ones world by redefining words within ones process of self-perfection - to what is best for all - which is what is best for oneself also.  One realizes that a relationship is a physical connection to 'who one is' as self/substance  within self trust and  a physical connection with others as self - seeing  them as equals - recognizing the reality that all came from the same substance all are made of - be the breath in every moment - explores ones body as equal to all that exist - which includes all its parts including the cells - and knowing oneself as the body - realize that one is equal to ones mind - so looks at  ones conscious thoughts, backchats and behaviours and directs them using self-forgiveness and self-corrective application through  blogs and vlogs and ones daily self-application -  establishes a self agreement with self and/or with another as self - birthing self here alone or with another as self for what is best for all life - expressing and assisting in creating a world that truly honors life based on equality.


'I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not realize and embrace the clear certainty that the Beginning was the Word and that the Word was God, implying and stating that i as a creation and Creator of words are in fact The God of Words'
From: Creation's Journey To life Day 5
'What is clear about words that are defined within and as self as polarized words, are that they are reactive in nature. Meaning when carrying a negatively or positively charged word within and as self, this polarity charged word will ‘react’ within its environment  seeking out designs of ‘homeostasis’ or ‘winning’.  The consequential outflows of negatively and positively charged words are predetermined in that they follow a specific pre-programmed path.'

'It is thus common sense to realize that, what we place as definitions within and as ourselves is what we manifest within the expression of ourselves. This is why we redefine words; to find the living expression evident in each word from the principle of oneness and equality. As we look at a word we are moving ourselves through the word to see what it represents and what it stands for as a living expression. By assigning a definition to the word we are developing our vocabulary by placing within the definitions, living definitions that stand free from polarity which are able to stand as living expressions of the words that we have redefined.' ~ 
'I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to through the acceptance and allowance of the polarity game experience the positive polarity charge as a winning experience as well as the negative polarity charge as a losing experience within and as myself in the different contexts within which they presented themselves as.'

From Earth's Journey to Life Blog Day 6

I commit myself to – through writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application – assist and support me to purify my words from energy/experience of the negative, neutral and positive, and re-align my words into and as physical practical living; where the words no more exist within and as energy – furthering/evolving the Mind and influencing/affecting others within my world deliberately to evoke/initiate/instigate within them and/or me experiences of and as energy as the competition between the Minds within the weapons of words, used/abused in the interest and survival of and as the Mind of Energy only. But that the words I am exist as Living Substance/Living Flesh as the equal and one living of words visibly within and as me and my world, where the Words I speak stand absolute as who I am in and as my physical equality and oneness. To so also stop the separation existent within the very Words I use, where words I speak out loud – differ from the words I speak silently within; simply indicating the extent to which we exist in separation/two worlds of the Mind and the Physical, where we’re one personality of Mind within ourselves and another in the without of Ourselves.
From Heaven Journey To Life 65


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