
Tao of Food Preparation Recipes

Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
'Living' E-book

Monday, December 17, 2012

Life: Movement Mathematics: Day 210 Fear of Not Being Able To Move: Quadraplegics



Movement Mathematics

Giving Mind Values Vs Giving Value Equal to Life

I realized i have given mind values to limbs used for movement

based on 'fear of not being able to move'

as for example:

People with complete set of limbs = +40

People without both legs = -20
People without both arms = -20

Quadriplegics (no arms and legs) = - 40

not realizing that these mind values are NOT REAL

so birthing myself as Life

by giving real values to what is here

equal to Life

Quadraplegics as People without Limbs = Life
People with Limbs = Life


I am in my process of self-perfection using self-forgiveness

 to release myself 

from the positive and negative values

 i am giving the word  'movement'

I am  using mathematical symbols to show  examples 

of mind values i have given 'movement'

and writing a commitment to correction script

as i apply myself 

in my breath by breath movement 

in every moment 

 in this physical existence 

to birth myself as equal to Life 


Thought Dimension

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself

'as fear of not being able to move'

to have the thought:

'It must be difficult for the quadraplegic to stay in their wheelchair all day''

where within this thought i activate an entire personality

defining life and living within movement that i can see with my mind eyes

not realizing i am here as breath moving in and out of this body

Fear Dimension

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself 

have a relationship with fear

of not being able to move

'suffering internally' when looking at  people who does not have limbs

like quadraplegics

not wanting to look straight to the eyes

of the quadraplegic

believing that they will pity themselves

for not having limbs to move themselves 

when they see me looking at them 

having limbs to move myself

not realizing it is me

projecting me as this 'fear of not moving' on them

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself 'as fear of not being able to move'

to react in sympathy when i see quadriplegics

resourcing the physical for energy

transforming physical energy to mind energy

when i sympathize with others

not realizing that i can look at quadriplegics 

without reactions

moving me as breath here in every moment


'I Pity Them. Thank God I am not a quadriplegic'

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to 

extend the thoughts and imagination further 

having internal conversations within me

as the mind

as in

'I Pity Them. Thank God I am not a quadraplegic'

using words separate from me

not realizing i can redefine the word 'quadriplegic'

and use words

in my written and spoken expression

as equal to who i am 



I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself

'as fear of not being able to move'

to use the mind to manipulate the body 

having internal reactions 

as stomach tightening  

and external reactions 

as behaviors

as eyes in a fixed gaze

 to justify blame  

blaming the physical for being unfair 

giving some a happy life 

creating people who have limbs that can move

and creating people who do not have limbs

creating a difficult life full of suffering

and creating accidents/events that cuts people's limbs

using the excuse that i  fear not being able to move

to survive in a world of inequality

not realizing it is me

as the evil me

within fear of taking self-responsibility 

for all parts of me as this physical existence

as life

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself 

to feel dis-empowered  when i am 

not taking self-responsibility for all of me as life

then wanting to have power

to control everything

as the evil me

not wanting to face me

as who i have become within 'empowerment'

not realizing i am moving myself here as breath

moment by moment

with or without limbs 

self-directing me

as who i am 

as movement 

 as life

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