
Tao of Food Preparation Recipes

Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
'Living' E-book

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Guru Mathematics 1: Day 229 Fear : Survival: Postponement



In this blog, i am looking at who i have become as a 'devotee'
or the follower of a guru - as i had been for 29 years in the 'past' - perceived separate from all - to through writing self-forgiveness and self-corrective application  birth me here as who i am 
equal to the physical/substance
as all that is here

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself 
to participate in the design of/as

'fear of surviving  - as divinity'

fear that i will not self-realize and have eternal life

if  i don't have a 'guru'

to teach me what to be/do to have eternal life

fearing i will be doomed for eternity
not realizing

 i am here as breath

in every moment


I commit myself to when and as i see myself 

fearing and needing a 'guru 'to self-realize

and have eternal life

I stop

I breathe

I realised that

i have given a mind value

that is
more than life to the ' guru'

as  the human

as for example

human 'as the guru' = giver of eternal life = +10

and has given a value 

less than life to the humans 'as devotees/followers of the guru'


humans 'as devotees of the guru' = not the giver of eternal life = -10

not realizing 

that these are mind values

that are NOT REAL

Mathematics of Giving Positive and Negative Mind Values 
Values Equal to Life

 i perceived the guru to be the giver of eternal life 

believing that being the giver of eternal life 

he is the giver of a positive energy experience

as bliss/eternal happiness

so i had given the 'guru' a mind value =  +10

and perceived the devotees as not givers of eternal life  

believing they are the ones 


believing they are the ones with a mind/ego   

connecting the mind/ego to a negative energy experience

connecting the mind/ego to suffering

and based on that belief

 i had given devotees/follower of the 'guru'

 a mind value = -10

not seeing  the REAL VALUE

of/as Life 

as who i am

 as the physical/body/substance

equal to the physical/body/substance of nature

equal to the physical/body/substance of animals

equal to the body/physical/substance of plants

not realizing that

the physical/body/substance of the 'guru'  has a value equal to Life


physical/body/substance of the 'guru' = Life
and that the

physical/body/substance of the 'devotees' has a value equal to Life


physical/body/substance of 'devotees' = Life


I commit myself to bring myself back to 

who i am as the physical/body/substance

equal to all that is here

and just feel my heartbeat

just be with the pulse of my heart

and breathe

and just be here with myself in this moment

stabilize myself 

and continue expressing me here in what i do

remaining with the pulse of life

until i am the pulse of life

living as a living example

transforming life on earth

into rebirthing of real life

through the physical

I commit myself to 

assist myself to accept and allow me to

see Life as what is HERE

as how this physical existence exist in/as the MOMENT

as one directly see within and as the' holding moment'

of the in - breath and the out-breath

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