
Tao of Food Preparation Recipes

Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
'Living' E-book

Saturday, April 27, 2013

'I Am Never Angry' : 'Too Nice' Personality Day 284

Why do self-forgiveness?

Self-forgiveness Statements:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the design of 'fear of survival - as energy'
fear my uncle getting angry 
as i saw him getting angry to my grandmother
fearing that loud voice 
fearing that'angry facial expression'
desiring to always be nice 
and share happy stories when he is around so he will not get angry

living this memory in my relationship with men/partner/husband
desiring to be with men who have a tendency to be angry 
believing i can change them
believing that changing them into men who are 'not angry'
will make me transcend my fear 

desiring to be with men who are 'nice'
so i will not face my fear

not seeing and realizing i have to face the fear
self-forgive and correct myself in my living

Through this,
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to doubt who i am
believing i split myself into 2
the one that fears people who gets angry
and likes to transcend that fear
through having relationship with men 
who have a tendency to be angry

or the one that is here as breath in every moment

not seeing and realizing that
that is me as the mind
Creating a relationship with anger
giving positive and negative values 
to words, things, people etc.

instead of realizing i am here as breath
in every moment

Through this,
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself
to blame the physical

for creating people who are angry
for creating destructive relationships based on anger
for creating psychologists who tries to give pills to help people treat the symptom
of anger

not seeing and realizing that i am 100% responsible
so i have to  forgive myself for my relationship with anger
deconstructing the point
and correcting myself in my living 

Through this
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to have the excuse that 
i have to survive
as the i 'never get angry' personality

suppressing my anger
fearing people who are angry
desiring to be in a relationship with angry men 
believing that is how i transcend my fear

not seeing and realizing that i created this relationship within - as my mind
it is to realize that as i fear angry men 
I participate in anger
suppressing my fear of anger within
which compounds - which then becomes rage

It is to realize that
when i was young i was angry to see poverty all around me
 in the Philippines (where i was born)

suppressed the anger
desiring to be nice

instead of facing my fear
instead of assisting in establishing a world that truly honors all life
based on equality 

I suppressed the anger

not seeing that what i resist persist

creating a consequence outflow
in 'my within' as the mind

and in 'my without' as this world system

Through this
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to
justify the excuse that  i have to survive
as the 'never angry - nice' personality

believing that i have to be whole
believing that i have to embrace them and change them
to become 'nice men'

not seeing and realizing that
this is balance in polarity

Fearing angry people and desiring to tame them
and then satisfying that desire by believing i tamed men 

The Mind Pattern :

Fear > Desire

>FEAR: fears angry men
>>DESIRE: desires to be  nice' 
>>>gets into a relationship with angry men believing i can tame them/their anger 
>>>>SATISFYING the DESIRE: tames my partner (believing 'he is 
becoming nice like me')

Instead of realizing that
People cannot self-realize through me 

It is to realize that self-realization is an individual process
It is to realize that
Real wholeness does not need separation from the source

It is to realize that
I am 100% responsible

It is to realize that
I am not defined by positive and negative energy

Self Correction Script

I commit myself to when and as i see myself 
fearing angry men and loud voices

I stop
I breathe

I realized that it is me as the mind 
giving a negative value to anger
and giving a positive value to 'no anger' 

connecting anger to loud voices and niceness to soft voices
instead of seeing and realizing that both soft and loud sound 
is sound,

Instead of realizing that
they are expressions of sound
as what our ears hear

it is to realize that they are not positive nor negative 

it is to see sound as sound 
as what it is

I assist myself to redefine the word 'sound'
and redefine the word 'anger'

I assist myself to bring me back to what is here
stabilizing me as breath
as the physical
and stay with the pulse of my heart

To instead of desiring to tame angry men
to transcend my fear of angry men

It is to 
look at my fear of anger
walk back and see where it started
forgive myself and correct myself in my living application

I assist myself to look at my fear of being poor
seeing poor people
seeing poverty
when i was a child in the Philippines

to instead of fearing being poor 
desiring an easy life 
and a carefree life
full of picnics and vacations

I assist in establishing a world that truly honors life
so all will have the basic necessities all need to survive
and birth me here as who i am, how i am and what i am

Obviously, the Principle of Individuality is the Fact that One can Express it in a Unique Individual Way, but there is One Thing to Consider: If your Individuality Impose on another’s - making them either a Master or a Slave, then Individuality No Longer Exists. Then Individuality Becomes ‘Master’ or ‘Slave’.
And so we have a System, a System that is Individually Centred, within each Human – as their Own Unique Code, the Book of Life, which is Ensures that: No One gets Out, No One Finds Life; and everyone that Looks at the World, do Not Look at the World as it Really Exists – you only Look at the World through your Designed Encryption and through the Feelings that you have Accepted and Allowed. And what you See is Measured according to these Feelings, and when you ‘Feel Good’ about it, then you do it – if you ‘Feel Bad’ about it, you stay away from it. You Never Challenge the System, because from your perspective – ‘everything is exactly the way it should be’.
And Each System, that’s Decrypting – need to be Corrected, need to be Taken-out of its Position of Control, it Needs to be Forgiven, Understood, from All Dimension so that it cannot occur again

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