
Tao of Food Preparation Recipes

Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
'Living' E-book

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Day 21 Stevia Maybe Linked to Genetic Mutations in Lab Animals that Can Lead to Cancer?

'Stevia maybe linked to genetic mutations in lab animals that can lead to cancer' ABC News

What is this blog about?
My fear of genetic mutations and how information we get from others can  lead to confusion

Mind Pattern:
>what? I thought stevia is safe (judgment, belief)
>The doctor said there's no safety issues with stevia and that he's been taking it (projection, blame)
>The news is saying it's linked to genetic mutations (belief, projection)
>now, i don't know who's telling the truth (projection, projection, blame, idea)
>let me see the sweetener in this yogurt (doubt)
>real cane sugar? (doubt, belief)
>is this unrefined cane sugar? (doubt, idea)
>and it says 'no artificial sweetener' (idea)
>I'll buy this yogurt (manipulation)

What's the fear?
Fear of genetic mutations and cancer

What is Self-forgiveness?
It is the process by which an individual forgives oneself for accepting and allowing self to separate from objective reality, releasing positive and negative value judgments such as good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative - as subjective interpretations of reality regarding something or someone that leads to stability as breath. 

My Self-forgiveness Statements:
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear genetic mutations believing what researchers wrote, believing that if my genes mutate i can have a disease, can be disfigured and die so fear eating yogurt with stevia, desiring to buy yogurt sweetened with sugar cane believing that unrefined cane sugar is better than stevia because there is no news that says it causes gene mutations which I believed is more severe than a blood sugar surge and since they have NOT found a cure to it, I can suffer and die from eating yogurt sweetened with it. Through this, I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that i should base my decisions on results of research rather than see that studies are being funded by large groups that has a vested interest on the result of the study so it is for me to test, investigate and walk this for myself and see how the body responds to the unrefined sugar and see how much of it the body needs and use research for reference purposes. Through this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be confused by information coming from the news rather than testing how much unrefined sugar i can take that will NOT put the body into a danger condition - log what i eat so I can see for myself how unrefined sugar or stevia affect my body.

Commitment to Correct myself:

I commit myself to when and as I see myself confused by what's coming out from the news, uncertain about what to do next - I stop - I breath, and look at the common sense of looking at doing my own investigation through food logs, look at the definitions i gave the words 'unrefined', 'sweetener' and 'herb'- expand and redefine these words - investigate the facts about the product, look at the consequence outflows and make a decision based on practical awareness.

Why am I expanding or redefining words?

Words are like microchips that has in it for example, thoughts, imaginations etc. that is an interpretation of reality in our mind. It is defined within what is best for us, as individuals, which is based on competition within survival of the fittest . So, in expanding or redefining a word our goal is to align its meaning to what the word is in physical reality - which is mutually beneficial for all of us, humans, plants, animals etc. as it is what the word is, realizing that we can forgive ourselves for the meaning we gave it and correct ourselves - giving it a meaning we can live and express ourselves as, in physical reality that aligns to what is best for all -  as Living Words.

Word Web

Something added to foods to make them taste sweeter

Not refined or processed

Of or relating to herbs

Expanding The Definition of Words

Something added to foods to make them taste sweeter
Sweeteners are used not as food to nourish the body but for entertainment purposes. Our addiction for pleasure is behind the 'sweet tooth', the 'to-die-for desserts', and 'raw-licious desserts' etc., but what is really fueling this is fear of boredom or not having entertainment and fear of facing ones fear of eating food without enhanced tastes. We have to see sweeteners as what they are - food to support the body's survival that makes food taste good so we can eat them and nourish the body.

SWEET ENER-gy for the mind
SWEE-t TE-st NE-ve-R judge

Not refined or processed
We refine sugar so they will look white so bakers can use them to make desserts that look nice for more money and profit rather than removing the impurities and using them as pure unrefined sugar cane juice. The nutrition in sugar is what the body needs, but our mind sees unrefined sugar as equal to health because we fear disease. We judge refined sugar as bad and unrefined sugar as good because of this. We have to see unrefined sugar as what it is - food that gives us physical energy. They are not here to be desired, demonized or to be judged inside our minds to make us feel good about our health, our date, the food we create etc.


UN fine, RE: FINED 'Find' the one that is 'better'
UN defined so RE-de-FINED

Of or relating to herbs
HER BAL-l to play with to be better
HERB for AL-l for nourishment
Herbs are food. Let us not judge them as better than other food items because of the belief that they can cure our illness and because we fear illness and death, we deify them. We have to look at herbs as what they are - food to nourish the body. Health is not just absence of disease. It is the alignment of physical, 'mental' and social well-being.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Day 9 Eating A Vegetarian Diet To Be Healthy: 21 Days Mind investigation On Sugar

21 Days Mind Investigation on Sugar

Awareness of How Much Sugar We Take: The Sugar Log Project

What is this Blog About?
Fear of disease  and death which led to me adopting the vegetarian diet

Mind Pattern:

>the doctor said I need to go out and play outside and this angina will be gone
>I need to eat healthy
>that vegetarian group that gave the vegetarian dinner said that their diet is healthy
>I need to go into that diet
>that might stop this chest pain
>I will try the vegetarian diet

What's the fear?

Fear of having a disease (heart pains) and fear of death

What is Self-forgiveness?
It is the process by which an individual forgives oneself for accepting and allowing self to separate from objective reality, releasing positive and negative value judgments such as good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative - as subjective interpretations of reality regarding something or someone that leads to stability as breath. 

My Self-forgiveness Statements:
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear disease or having heart pains and so desires to be healthy through eating a vegetarian diet - where within this, I believed that disease is 'bad' because i interpreted it within my mind based from what i heard from others and how their tone of voice change (tone of voice becoming low) when they hear someone has illness which i perceived as pity - the one having a disease perceived as inferior and the one that is healthy as superior. Through this, I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to manipulate my body within eating a vegetarian diet - where I withdrew vitamin B12 from my diet - stopping my body to be nourished by this vitamin and other vitamins and minerals found in meat which I did not eat because i was in my mind judging meat as 'bad' and idolizing vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, seeds and imitation meat products made from soy beans believing they are better than meat because they have good energy while meat has 'bad energy' believing they are dead, not realizing that I am also eating vegetables that I cooked and therefore, from that perspective, are also dead. Through this, i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe what others say and then take it as my truth without testing it in all ways.

Commitment to Correction
I commit myself to when and as i see myself believing something someone said be it a master or a man or woman in the street, from tv or a youtube video - I stop and slow myself down as breath to bring me back here and ground myself to who and where I am - as breath in a body and look at how i defined words, release myself from others definitions, expand and redefine the words 'disease' and 'death' as equal to how i changed in my living and instead of manipulating my body within changing my diet to what my mind dictates, direct myself through practical eating, see how the body responds to this and correct as i go.
Why am I expanding or redefining words?

Words are like microchips that has in it for example, thoughts, imaginations etc. that is an interpretation of reality in our mind. It is defined within what is best for us, as individuals, which is based on competition within survival of the fittest . So, in expanding or redefining a word our goal is to align its meaning to what the word is in physical reality - which is mutually beneficial for all of us, humans, plants, animals etc. as it is what the word is, realizing that we can forgive ourselves for the meaning we gave it and correct ourselves - giving it a meaning we can live and express ourselves as, in physical reality that aligns to what is best for all -  as Living Words.

Word Web:
an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning

Expanding the Word 'Disease'
an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning

The body is communicating a physical, mental and/or social stress  or imbalance that needs to be addressed physically, mentally and socially - where the origin is traced, forgiven and corrected to holistically be brought back to balance.

Abnormal functioning here had been given a negative value and normal functioning had been given a positive value which is a mind polarity equation that is based from a subjective view of reality rather than an objective, real assessment of what dis-ease is within the context of the whole - that is life taking into consideration that the body is part of the whole as well as the bacteria and viruses and therefore equal to Life.

In my journey here on earth, being a 'cancer survivor', I have seen and can definitely say disease
is a gift. During that time i was able to stop and breath - and look at the physical, mental and social imbalance that i am in. This is the point where I looked at what caused the disease, investigated the physical, psychological and social origin of the imbalance/dis-ease,  identifying the fears - as fear of death and disease - identifying problems that paved the way for a solution - forgiveness and correction to essentially un-create that which i created that cause the imbalance, realizing i am the creator and the created.

The bacteria and viruses are part of the whole - that is life. It is here to assist us see the problem so we can provide a solution that is best for all life.

DIS-EASE within internal and external ecological system due to separation of parts from the whole - that is Life
DIS-seminate EASE in all internal and external imbalance and restore ecological systems within balance and wholeness of its parts

Word Web
The event of dying or departure from life

Expanding The Definition of Death
Death had been given a negative value and Life a positive value based from a subjective view of reality here
where the experience of death was attached to an experience of the death of ones personality - an alternate version of oneself in ones mind, experiencing life separate from parts of oneself as all parts of the whole - that is Life. 

Within this separation from objective reality, Life was defined within ones 'mind experience' of oneself -  that was perceived within a point separate from the whole and the events in ones life as separate activities that defines ones life - as the personality. 

The absence of the form designated to be part of the identity of the personality and those activities performed by the personality that one perceive as characteristic behavior of that personality is then called death - of the personality.

What is being missed here is that when we bring ourselves back to physical reality, we can see that who we really are - is the breath within the body, and so we remain.

D-epart from the EA-r-TH as the personality within our mind
D-evolve to who one is as the EA-r-TH

Day 20 'I Better Just Stick To Stevia, It Is Safe' 21 Days Mind Investigation On Sugar

21 Days Mind Investigation on Sugar
Awareness of How Much Sugar We Take: The Sugar Log Project
The WHO's Joint Experts Committee on Food Additives has approved, based on long-term studies, an acceptable daily intake of steviol glycoside of up to 4 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. 

The Nutrition Information of Stevia

What is this blog about?
This blog is about me avoiding artificial sweeteners and believing stevia is the ultimate sweetener which has become a pattern and how i am forgiving myself for having the mind-me direct this and correcting this pattern within my commitment statements as the here-me (the stable me in physical reality as the breath).

Mind Pattern
>now that i tried all kinds of sweeteners
>I better just stick to stevia
>It is safe
>the health professionals agree
>I will develop recipes for stevia

What is the fear?
Fear of artificial sweeteners

What is Self-forgiveness?
It is the process by which an individual forgives oneself for accepting and allowing self to separate from objective reality, releasing positive and negative value judgments such as good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative - as subjective interpretations of reality regarding something or someone that leads to stability as breath. 

Writing Self-forgiveness Statements:
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear artificial sweeteners believing they are 'bad' for my health - believing that because some people in the internet said so, it is true, desiring to use 'stevia' as sweetener as I defined it as 'good', believing that because it is not an artificial sweetener but an herb, it is better than artificial sweeteners - further manipulating myself by developing recipes from this starting point, believing that my value depends on me being healthy and alive believing that if i will be sick, my value as a person will go down because i will be in bed, suffering and not able to earn money - believing stevia can keep me healthy, so, developing recipes with stevia as sweetener, justifying my belief about stevia, instead of investigating the effects of stevia for myself and  seeing the response of my body to it.

Commitment To Correction
I commit myself to when and as I see myself believing that artificial sweeteners are bad and natural sweeteners are good, judging stevia as good because it is an herb or a natural sweetener, then creating sweets made of stevia to justify the belief  - I stop - I breathe. I realize that this is a pattern that needs to be rewritten, so I am rewriting this pattern where instead of preparing food from the starting point of fear of artificial sweeteners I am preparing food as an expression of who I am, expressing how i changed in the way I use stevia in my food preparation, where I am not judging stevia and not judging artificial sweeteners either but standing as equal to the food item.

I commit myself to expand and redefine the words 'stevia', 'artificial' and 'natural' as equal to my story of how i change in the way I use it.

Why am I expanding or redefining words?

Words are like microchips that has in it for example, thoughts, imaginations etc. that is an interpretation of reality in our mind. It is defined within what is best for us, as individuals, which is based on competition within survival of the fittest . So, in expanding or redefining a word our goal is to align its meaning to what the word is in physical reality - which is mutually beneficial for all of us, humans, plants, animals etc. as it is what the word is, realizing that we can forgive ourselves for the meaning we gave it and correct ourselves - giving it a meaning we can live and express ourselves as, in physical reality that aligns to what is best for all -  as Living Words.

Word web
Any plant of the genus Stevia or the closely related genus Piqueria having glutinous foliage and white or purplish flowers; Central and South America

Expanding The Word Stevia

Any plant of the genus Stevia or the closely related genus Piqueria having glutinous foliage and white or purplish flowers usually from Central and South America with a sweet taste
It is a plant that has been judged as good for health and it has been judged as 'bad'. We have to see stevia as what it is - a plant that has nutrition (but for some reason it does not have the nutrition information) that can assist us to put flavor in the food we eat and get nutrition from to be able for us to ingest the food and be used by the body.

STE-al -in-VI-vo (in the living organism) in  A-ll
STE-am of in-VI-vo (in the living organism) equal to A-ll

Word Web
Not arising from natural growth or characterized by vital processes

Expanding The Word 'Artificial'
Not arising from natural growth or characterized by vital processes

Here, we are giving more value to natural growth rather than seeing that natural growth is not about vital processes that the eyes can see and us interpreting that within our mind, but rather an acceptance of the fact that since we are all birthed here, our definition of life and living is not about which sweetener is going to get us to be healthy but seeing sweeteners as what they are - food, that is a substance that nourish the body which we turned into substances that give us pleasure. Artificial sweeteners are part of the whole - that is life.


ARTI  F-eeee CIAL (Shall). existing because it is a profit driven economy
ARTI  F-act  CIAL (Shall), looking at the facts and deciding to either eat it or not eat it based on common sense.

Word Web

Existing in or produced by nature; not artificial or imitation

Expanding The Word 'Natural'
Existing in or produced by nature; not artificial or imitation
- Here, we give the word natural a value that is exaggerated - positive, based on our('negative') fear of disease.We have to see food as what it is - and not interpret it within our mind according to our ideas and beliefs.


NAT (Not) U,  RAL-LY of the personalities within my mind
NATU-re as R-e-AL-ity as the physical existence

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day 19 'I Like To Eat Too' 21 Days Mind Investigation On Sugar

21 Days Mind Investigation on Sugar
Physical  Support
Awareness of How Much Sugar We Take: The Sugar Log Project
This Blog Is About:
Wanting to eat when someone is eating

Mind Pattern
>you will get some food to eat? 
>I like to eat too 
>let me get some food too
>what do you have there? 
>that is delicious 

What's the fear?
Fear of not eating when someone is eating

What is Self-forgiveness?
It is the process by which an individual forgives oneself for accepting and allowing self to separate from objective reality, releasing positive and negative value judgments such as good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative - as subjective interpretations of reality regarding something or someone that leads to stability as breath. 

Writing Self-forgiveness Statements:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear NOT eating when my relatives or my friends are eating believing that i will miss out on the taste of food being eaten and the camaraderie, so desires to eat when someone is eating where i attached a memory of when i was young to this fear - the memory of a guest attending a family event refusing to eat saying 'thank you, but I just ate', where my mom and my grandmother usually say, 'no just eat a little bit. I will be angry with you if you do not eat.I cooked this
meal because i know you are coming'.

I saw how the guests would force themselves to eat to please the host and everyone would be happy with that.

Commitment To Correct Myself

I commit myself to when and as I see myself fearing not eating when one is eating - I stop myself from acting out this past experience into the present driven by fear - I slow myself down as breathe realizing that the mind thinks fast and acts fast specially with regards to eating food that i defined as delicious and tasty, So, I direct myself as the physical breath to slow myself down as i decide to not follow this eating drive to jump into the 'superhighway of the mind', breathing through the aroma of the food, rather than being driven by it and becoming disempowered - to then empower myself to remain here as breath and eat that which will practically nourish the body.

I commit myself to when and as i see myself being driven  by desire to eat to please others or because of the smell of food that others are eating - I stop myself from following my mind's desire - I breathe through the desire, releasing it, to rather than disempower myself, by being a slave to my desire, empower myself to eat from the starting point of providing food that nourish the body.

I commit myself to expand and redefine the word 'eat' - and give it a definition that I can live as living words

Why am I expanding or redefining words?

Words are like microchips that has in it for example, thoughts, imaginations etc. that is an interpretation of reality in our mind. It is defined within what is best for us, as individuals, which is based on competition within survival of the fittest . So, in expanding or redefining a word our goal is to align its meaning to what the word is in physical reality - which is mutually beneficial for all of us, humans, plants, animals etc. as it is what the word is, realizing that we can forgive ourselves for the meaning we gave it and correct ourselves - giving it a meaning we can live and express ourselves as, in physical reality that aligns to what is best for all -  as Living Words.

Word Web
take in solid food

Expanding on the word 'Eat'
take in solid food 
Eating has become a pastime for us and food lost its meaning. The food that we eat becomes entertainment for the tongue. Food has to nourish the body. We have to bring it back to a point where food is being used to give nourishment for the body- taking in solid food that support the body to survive optimally.

E-nergy A-llowed to T-read where the body's nourishment is compromised
E-ngage A-ll Together (different food items) in providing food to nourish the body

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 18 'It Can Be Harmful' Dextrose and Dextrin: 21 Days Mind Investigation On Sugar

21 Days Mind Investigation on Sugar
Physical  Support
Awareness of How Much Sugar We Take: The Sugar Log Project
Physical Support
My Food and Recipes Blog
Relationship Support: Blogging with Partner
Leon's (My husband) 21 Days Mind Investigation on Sugar Blogs
Financial Support
Life Support
Living Principles
DAILY NEWS Atlanta San Francisco, USA, Sydney, Australia and Cebu Philippines
DAILY NEWS Auckland NZ, Seoul Korea, London and Washing ton News
DAILY NEWS Brussels, Belgium

This Blog Is About
Judging the Dextrin and Dextrose as 'harmful to my health'

Mind Pattern

>there's dextrin and dextrose on the label
>I thought it was just stevia  
>I don't know much about these substances 
> they might be harmful 
> I better not take them

What's the fear?
Fear of not knowing what dextrin and dextrose are

What is Self-forgiveness?
It is the process by which an individual forgives oneself for accepting and allowing self to separate from objective reality, releasing positive and negative value judgments such as good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative - as subjective interpretations of reality regarding something or someone that leads to stability as breath. 

Writing Self-forgiveness Statements:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear not knowing what dextrin and dextrose is - what its composed of and where it comes from - so desires to judge the substances as harmful. instead of looking at what dextrin and dextrose are, how they are made and what nutrition they contain, then decide what to do..

I asked the store if I can see the nutrition label of the packet of powder they use to make yogurt. They showed me the label. I found 2 ingredients which I am not familiar with in the tutti frutti yogurt, dextrose and dextrin..

Commitment to Correct Myself

I commit myself to when and as I see myself doubting if a substance is good for me or not, like dextrose and dextrin - not knowing what a substance written on a label is, then  judging the substances as harmful, - I stop - I slow myself down as breathe and use common sense - look at what it is, and see that it is being used in the hospitals - so how we use it is key. We can look at what's the nutrition in it and decide whether to eat it or not, looking at nutrition.

Why am I expanding or redefining words?

Words are like microchips that has in it for example, thoughts, imaginations etc. that is an interpretation of reality in our mind. It is defined within what is best for us, as individuals, which is based on competition within survival of the fittest . So, in expanding or redefining a word our goal is to align its meaning to what the word is in physical reality - which is mutually beneficial for all of us, humans, plants, animals etc. as it is what the word is, realizing that we can forgive ourselves for the meaning we gave it and correct ourselves - giving it a meaning we can live and express ourselves as, in physical reality that aligns to what is best for all -  as Living Words.

Word Web
An isomer of glucose that is found in honey and sweet fruits
Any of various polysaccharides obtained by hydrolysis of starch; a tasteless and odorless gummy substance that is used as a thickening agent and in adhesives and in dietary supplements.

Expanding the Definition:
an isomer of glucose that is found in honey and sweet fruits
The amount of dextrose that we take in has to be  in accordance to whether it will assist the body in its functioning or not. Let's not judge it as It is part of the whole - that is life. 


Any of various polysaccharides obtained by hydrolysis of starch; a tasteless and odorless gummy substance that is used as a thickening agent and in adhesives and in dietary supplements.
It is part of the whole - that is life. We can determine if the body needs it to survive and then from there decide.

DEXT- e-R-ity I Need
DE XT-e-R-ity IN and out

DEX- T-e-R-ity  run l-OSE
DEXT-erity of the OS-s-E-ous

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Monday, June 23, 2014

Daily News Atlanta San Francisco Sydney and Cebu Philippines Publishes 'Can The Body Attack The Mind Like A Virus? June Roca Launches Investigation On Sugar Fears'



JUNE 23, 2014


JUNE 22, 2014







21 Days Mind Investigation on Sugar
Physical  Support
Awareness of How Much Sugar We Take: The Sugar Log Project
Physical Support

Videos and Online Newspapers Daily News Auckland NZ Dublin London Mumbai and Seoul Plus The Washington News Published Sugar Investigation


Washington News 
Daily News AucKland NZ
Daily News London 
Daily News Seoul  







Other News Links
Daily News Brussels Publishes 21 Days Mind Investigation On Sugar
Houston News Globe Publishes 21 Days Mind Investigation On Sugar

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