
Tao of Food Preparation Recipes

Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Day 17 Rice and Carbs: Body Attacking The Mind Like A Virus? 21 Days Mind Investigation of Sugar

21 Days Mind Investigation on Sugar
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This Blog Is About
Fear of eating more than 1 T of steamed rice

Mind Pattern:
>I better make a nori that does not have rice in it
>because I can only take 1 T carbohydrates 
>that's when the blood sugar reading remains stable

What's the fear?
Fear of eating more than 1T of rice

What is Self-forgiveness?
It is the process by which an individual forgives oneself for accepting and allowing self to separate from objective reality, releasing positive and negative value judgments such as good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative - as subjective interpretations of reality regarding something or someone that leads to stability as breath. 

Writing Self-forgiveness Statements:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear eating a lot of rice believing that it has a lot of carbohydrates and it will raise my blood sugar, so desires to eat no rice or as little as 1 Tablespoon of rice believing what the mainstream media say and what i heard and read from a certified nutritionist who when asked said 1 Tablespoon must be enough for those wanting to lose weight and also seeing many people buying either quinoa or some other grains because it has high protein and rejecting rice believing rice has a high carbohydrate content, not wanting to eat much of it and limiting me to only 1 T of rice believing that my blood sugar will shoot up if i eat more than 1 T rice - while not seeing and realizing that I did not test for 2 T or 3 T or 4 T or more - i only tested for 1 T. Within this, I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to attach a memory to this fear of when I had a flu, when I was young - where my grandmother, who is taking care of me, gave me porridge when i was sick, connecting porridge to eating something that is easier to digest connecting eating steamed rice to eating something that is harder to digest - then believing that porridge is too healthy to eat when I am not sick - instead of realizing that my body needs nourishment to survive daily as I move and so it requires some form of energy source -so to identify clearly through tests how much rice I can take and also making sure we release our fears etc. so there will be no conflict between the mind (mind platform is fear) and the body.

Here's what we can ask ourselves:

1.Does the body try to 'push the mind away'  to get out of this suffocating experience, as it cannot breathe properly when we use up the energy that the body needs when we are thinking, reacting, imagining etc. and using the energy that it needs ?

2. Does the body fight back through attacking the mind - treating it like a virus?

Commitment To Correct Myself:
I commit myself to release my fears through self-forgiveness - as it becomes a desire which I eventually satisfy through acting it out - which begins within - as my thoughts, my 'self-talk',my  reactions,my imagination etc. - so release my thoughts, self-talk (both positive and negative), as what i think about becomes an eating behavior later on which I will have to face anyway, so, provide a solution that is best for the body - realizing that without the body, we will not be able to express ourselves here

I commit myself to when and as I see myself fearing to eat more than 1 T rice - I stop - I slow myself down within breath - and look at why I fear carbohydrates, which is really me fearing having diabetes which I believe will lead me to death - so my fear is - fear of dying - which is me fearing not being in control of my body and mind - judging carbohydrates as 'bad' without testing it in all ways - to instead take self-responsibility and test portions effectively, - testing bigger portions also and instead of trying to be in control through carbohydrate control based on what we heard or read from the media - based on beliefs about the evils of carbohydrates -test it and find out how much of it the body needs . 

I commit myself to expand and redefine the word 'rice' and 'carbohydrates' and release myself from others definition of these words to be able to see these words as what they really are - as symbols, as letters that make up a word, that make up a sentence that later becomes a paragraph which I speak and write - realizing that the definition I give these words is how i see myself , others and this world  - which i eventually becomes manifest through my behavior. So, I commit myself to align the meaning of these words to what is best for all and expand the definition, expand myself and create an expanded world that lives the primary principle of life: 'what is best for all'.

Why am I expanding or redefining words?

Words are like microchips that has in it for example, thoughts, imaginations etc. that is an interpretation of reality in our mind. It is defined within what is best for us, as individuals, which is based on competition within survival of the fittest . So, in expanding or redefining a word our goal is to align its meaning to what the word is in physical reality - which is mutually beneficial for all of us, humans, plants, animals etc. as it is what the word is, realizing that we can forgive ourselves for the meaning we gave it and correct ourselves - giving it a meaning we can live and express ourselves as, in physical reality that aligns to what is best for all -  as Living Words.

Expanding and Redefining Words:

Annual or perennial rhizomatous marsh grasses; seed used for food; straw used for paper

An essential structural component of living cells and source of energy for animals; includes simple sugars with small molecules as well as macromolecular substances; classified according to the number of monosaccharide groups they contain

Annual or perennial rhizomatous marsh grasses; seed used for food; straw used for paper
We judge rice, but it benefits us in so many ways. It gives us energy our body needs in terms of carbohydrates as food, and we can make fuel from it etc.We also use rice to earn profit in the futures market, which is really not necessary but because we fear lack, we take more - more than what we need. So, we will have to learn to use it for what is best for all of us and not just to make money for ourselves. 

RI-val  C-arbohydrate as the one that E-ntertains me
R-elease the 'I' and CE -e (See)

An essential structural component of living cells and source of energy for animals; includes simple sugars with small molecules as well as macromolecular substances; classified according to the number of monosaccharide groups they contain
Here, carbohydrates are seen as an enemy of life, yet we can see that we are the ones that can regulate the amount of carbohydrate rich food we  take. Rather than blame the physical universe for creating the carbohydrates, we can adjust our food portions and look at the nutrition information of food items with rice etc.- find out the portion ones  body need and get the nutrition that one needs that is present in the rice.

CAR and BO-at of H-i Y-ou DRinker  AT-tention E-nergy
CA-n R-edefine and B-e the OAT E-ffective as S-elf

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