
Tao of Food Preparation Recipes

Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
'Living' E-book

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Day 14: Where is the food? 21 Days Mind Investigation on Sugar

21 Days Mind Investigation on Sugar
Physical  Support
Awareness of How Much Sugar We Take: The Sugar Log Project

Mind Pattern:
>It's good the event is finished
>I can eat now
>I did not eat before I left
>I am hungry
>where's the food?
>the host said there will be no food because they are giving the graduate the money instead of eating out
>there is none?
>but i expected the food to be there

What's the fear?
Fear of having no food to eat after an event believing that events are made for us to eat and laugh with family and friends

What is Self-forgiveness?
It is the process by which an individual forgives oneself for accepting and allowing self to separate from objective reality, releasing positive and negative value judgments such as good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative - as subjective interpretations of reality regarding something or someone that leads to stability as breath. 

Writing Self-forgiveness Statements:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear having no food after an event believing that there's always food in an event, so desires to go and eat at a restaurant that serves good food to replace the disappointment with joy using food to make myself feel better rather than see food as what it is - a substance that is used to nourish the body. Through this, I forgive myself to believe that events are gathering to entertain me as the mind where food are made to be tasty rather than use food to nourish the body where the host ask each one what they need to nourish the body and prepares that.

Commitment to Correct Oneself

I commit myself to when and as i see myself  going to an event, make sure I eat before going there so that the body will not go into 'hunger stress'. I commit myself to when and as I see myself believing that the reason I will go to a family event or any event is to laugh and eat - I stop - I breathe. I bring myself back here and expand and redefine the word 'event', 'eat' and 'laugh'

Why am I expanding or redefining words?

Words are like microchips that has in it for example, thoughts, imaginations etc. that is an interpretation of reality in our mind. It is defined within what is best for us, as individuals, which is based on competition within survival of the fittest . So, in expanding or redefining a word our goal is to align its meaning to what the word is in physical reality - which is mutually beneficial for all of us, humans, plants, animals etc. as it is what the word is, realizing that we can forgive ourselves for the meaning we gave it and correct ourselves - giving it a meaning we can live and express ourselves as, in physical reality that aligns to what is best for all -  as Living Words.

The word 'Event'
Word Web
Something that happens at a given place and time

My Expanded Definition:
Something that happens at a given place and time
Here, that something that will be done at a given location at a certain time is being given either a value that is more or less than what it really is within the mind and the real value of the event is being missed as what can be physically perceived by the senses at that place and time and whether or not the person attending the event is here as the breath in physical reality or in the mind interpreting what is going on.

E-nergy VENT
EVEN Tally of  what is perceived by the senses physically
The word  'Eat'

Word Web
Take in solid food
My Expanded definition:
take in solid food
Here, food is being ingested and swallowed to be digested so the nutrients will be distributed throughout the body. So rather than eat to entertain the taste buds, let's ingest food for nourishment.

E-nergy AT-tention where food becomes a form of entertainment rather than what it is
E-fficient A-llocation of what one Takes in as food

The Word 'Laugh'
Word Web
sound of laughing

My Expanded Definition
sound of laughing
Here the sound of ones voice is being manipulated to show merriment, pleasure or happiness, rather than using laughter for real self-expression

L-oud AUG-mented H-appiness designed to please
L-et the A-ll get the U-nconditional G-uarantee for Heaven on earth

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