
Tao of Food Preparation Recipes

Tao of Food Preparation Recipes
'Living' E-book

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Way of The Elephant: The Story of The Zen Buddhist, The Yogi, Ivory Chopsticks, Royalty, Good Food and Nobility Day 146

The Elephant 's Way  
Me and The Elephant 

 This Blog Is The Continuation of This Blog

Taking Responsibility for Being The Creator of my 'Within' (who i am as My Mind)
 and my 'Without' : This Current World System Based on Inequality
Stopping the The Unconscious Mind as The Collective Mind

Using Self-forgiveness and Commitment to Correction
Me as All Characters In This World

Self-forgiveness Statements:

As People Who Eat with  Ivory Chop Sticks 

The 'Ivory Chopstick -Happiness' Mind  Character Narrative

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed  myself to use ivory chopsticks to eat - defining myself within the 'eating tasty food - ivory chopstick' character - where i do not consider the harm inflicted on animals as the elephant suffers while i as all - try to take away it's tusks just to be able to eat food using chopsticks - instead of using other eating utensils or hands - just to be happy - within self-interest-  for the purpose of having a positive energy experience from having an expensive chopsticks to show off to friend's and relatives - desiring to be better than others - by having more money than others -defining myself within  the 'elite - happiness' character - where i desire to buy ivory chopsticks - in the expense of elephant suffering - from pain - defining myself within the 'i don't care -ivory chopstick' character - having the elephant's tusk's removed from the body -defining myself within the 'cruel to animals - ivory chopstick' character - not seeing and realizing the oneness and equality of all life - as i exist within the noise within/as my mind - of thoughts, backchats, internal conversations etc. that i do not hear what is here - as the physical - existing within an alternate reality - within/as my mind where i have desensitized myself from the suffering and pain - of all as me - not  feeling the elephant's pain in my body - as i have desensitized my body from pain - defining myself within the 'desensitized from pain - ivory chopstick' character - manipulating my body to not feel pain - so i can be happy all the time - defining myself within the 'eternal happiness - ivory chopstick' character - not seeing and realizing that i created a system - defining myself within the 'system relationships of characters - ivory chopstick' character - as all the relationships of all the characters i have become - where i made sure i cannot find who i am - defining myself within the 'i am trying to find me as i hide me from me - ivory chopstick' character within self-sabotage - so i will not realise who i am as all that is here - defining me within the 'self-sabotage - ivory chopstick' character  - existing in  separation from all that is here - not seeing the reality that i am made from the same substance the elephant is made of -as all are made of - as i defined myself within the 'i fear pain' character desiring positive energy experience - defining myself within the 'i like to be happy' character - so i will not see the enormity of the consequence i have accepted and allowed - defining myself within the 'i don't like consequence - ivory chopstick' character - where i put a golden cloak around me - as the 'happiness' cloak - which made me desensitized to pain like an anaesthesia - believing and manifesting the belief that 'i am happy'-within my mind  - defining myself within the 'manifested belief  in separation from all that exist' character - and within that separation from all  - stopping me from realizing the oneness and equality that exist as life - as all - defining myself within the 'i don't want to realize who i am - chopstick' character - and as i want to hide the fear of pain - so i can only be aware of happiness - defining myself within the 'fear of pain hiding -ivory chopstick' character

 - so i did yoga and meditation to mask the FEAR of pain - defining myself within the 'i fear pain - tantrik yogi' character - and within that, desired happiness through yoga and meditation - defining myself within the 'desiring happiness - tantrik yogi' character - intoxicated in bliss when i meditate - defining myself within the 'I am blissful - tantrik yogi' character - and feeling good within my physical body when i do yoga -defining myself within the ''i am doing yoga - tantrik yogi' character -  the same 'happiness' character that i exist as - as the people who make the elephant special - and adorn the elephant's body with ornaments - equating them with nobility - where within this, is desire to be  part of nobility -defining myself within the 'happy to be nobility' character -the same 'desire for happiness' that we have - within happiness to belong to royal bloodline -defining myself within the 'happy to be a royal' character- as i  cheer when Kate and Prince William wed - deifning myself within the 'prince and princess - fairytale - happiness' character learned to curtsy - defining myself within the 'curtsy and meet the queen - happiness' character - as just in case i visit the royal palace in UK and meet the queen -defining myself within the 'i like to live in a palace - happines' character - i can greet the queen - happy to belong to the 1% with money - defining myself within the 'i like to be rich and special like the queen as the minority - happiness' character - fearing to belong to the 99% that is working to survive -defining myself within the ''i fear to be poor and be struggling without money - sadness' character fearing not surviving - fearing pain of not having food to eat - defining myself within the 'fear of being poor - sadness' character -desiring to be happy by eating tasty food - defining myself within the 'i like to be rich and eat expensive tasty food - happiness' character- fearing not having food to eat -defining myself within the ''fear of not having anything to eat - sadness' character - fearing to be poor

- the same 'happiness' character that is masking the fear of pain and suffering - defining myself within the 'hiding the pain - sadness' character - through playing out the 'i am happy' character- doing zen meditation - desiring to avoid suffering - defining myself within the 'i fear suffering - happiness as zen meditation' character - not realizing and fearing that one day i will have to face myself as who i have become - defining myself within the 'overwhelmed -i fear taking responsibility -surrender to the guru ' character - and fearing pain - fearing taking responsibility - fearing not existing - defining myself within the 'fear of not existing - not surviving - inferior ' character - and as all characters that i have played out in my life - and as at this moment i am doing self-forgiveness and commitment to correction to birth me as the real character that takes self-responsibility for all creations, manifestations, thoughts, backchats, consequences, outflows moment by moment breath by breath - as in walking back - and seeing how i am creating the 'fear of pain' and the 'i like to be happy' mind characters that i played out in my life - to walk out of the noise from the noise created by all these characters that are in conversation within my mind -as all parts of me - as who i have become - just because i fear facing me - defining myself within the ''i fear facing me - fear' character - as i believe i have done so many things that is evil - defining myself within the 'i am evil - sadness' character- where i do not really like who i have become - defining myself within the 'i do not like me - inferior' character - so i fear myself - defining myself within the 'i fear me  - i am a liar- inferior' character - where when i was young i lied to my grandmother telling her the lady she was asking me to collect money from as she owes her money for the dress she had made her - where i told my grandmother the lady was not there - so instead of proceeding to collect the money she owes my grandmother - i turned back and said she's not there when all it was - was me fearing the darkness - as it was 7 pm at night when i was about 7-9 years old - defining myself within the 'fear of darkness - lying - inferior' character - where i fear the unknown that there can possibly be a ghost lurking in the darkness that will harm me - defining myself within the 'fear of ghosts in the dark - lying- inferior ' character  and fearing me  as i hide the truth from others - defining myself within the 'i fear me - hiding- inferior' character - where when i was about 7-8 yrs old i would hide and watch this boy, named E.M.,  while i was hiding behind the curtain to peep to see  if he already arrived in school - looking over from my great grandmother's house opposite the school i go to - hiding the truth to my teacher that i was desiring to dance with this guy in our presentation - as i do not want anyone to dance with any other boy but him - defining myself within the 'i like him - i don't like anyone else- specializing' character - hoping they would pick this boy to always be my partner - defining myself within the 'hoping - i desire to dance with E '  character as i liked being paired dancing with him as i get a good feeling looking at how he moved being a little bit quiet and reserved - defining myself within the 'i like a reserved guy like my dad - infatuation' character - being my classmate in elementary grades -as i get a positive energy experience dancing with him - defining myself within 'dancing with a boy named E.M. - happiness' character  - not realizing that dancing as self-expression and not charging the physical act with a positive or negative value is enjoying the physical - as who i am - and dancing with someone as myself - as an equal - is me being equal to the movements of my physical body while dancing and expressing with someone as myself - as equal to the physical/body - is being here - as who i am as breath - suppressing myself from enjoying a physical moment expression with/as someone - as i believed enjoyment with the opposite sex is not allowed - defining myself within the 'not allowed - self-supression' character - as i was not an adult but a child - defining myself within the 'child - inferior' character -  i suppressed myself within enjoying my physical expression with the opposite sex  - defining myself within the believing that i have to be married to someone before i can enjoy myself with the opposite sex - defining myself within 'fear of expressing with the opposite sex -dancing- inferior' character' - as i desire to dance and express myself through movement with someone - defining myself within the 'desire to dance with someone' character

-so as we go back to that scene where i was judging myself as inferior - desiring to be superior - by making myself look superior through wearing clothes which i have given a positive value to- defining myself within the 'clothes making me superior' character - within fear of looking bad - defining myself within the 'i fear i look ugly - inferior' character - so my desire to look beautiful came about - defining me within the 'beautiful - superior' character

- and looking at the inferior character again - where in class i was fearing  not being  able to answer what the teacher is asking the students - defining myself within the 'fear of not having an answer - inferiority' character - defining myself within the 'i know the answer-superior' character - desiring to excel in school  with high grades to please my parents - defining myself within the 'desiring high grades - happiness' character -and my desire to eat during recess - defining myself within the 'i like recess more than i like studying- judging ' character -  judging eating sweets as more than myself and me less than myself - liking to eat even when i was not hungry just to get a positive energy experience form sweets  during recess  - defining myself within the 'eating as desire for positive energy  - food ' character - desiring the sweet gooey texture of food - and feeling inferior when my friends have more money to buy more delicious food during recess time -defining myself within the 'fear of not being happy not having food and money - inferior' character

 'having sweet delicious food plus money - superior'  character - where i desire to have more money to buy more delicious sweet food - defining myself within the 'desiring sweet delicious food and money to buy - happiness' character- where i am in an alternate reality as the alternate version of me within my mind - not hearing what is here as the physical here - as the eternal physical substance - as the physical body - as the physical existence.

'when a number of us dies simultaneously
we experience all of their simultaneous deaths within our physicals ' The Whale
Not Participating in The Mind Character's Narrative 

I commit myself to when and as i see myself following the narrative of the 'ivory chopstick - happiness' character - i stop - I breathe. I change the narrative of the mind character - as i have created this within/as my mind in an alternate reality where i am an alternate version of me -change it to a narrative that is directed by who i am as what i am - looking at what i have become and walking this process - as i am doing now directing myself and writing the narrative- expressing me here  - realising that i come from the same substance all are made of - equal to all that exist . I stop following the mind happiness character's narrative. I bring myself back here and see the commonsense of what i realised walking the mind character's narrative. It does not make sense and is not what is best for all . It's starting point is self-interest - to assist myself to realise that my desire for happiness comes from my fear of  pain - and so to assist myself to stop fearing pain and see realize and understand that coming from the starting point of pain - i am stopping me from facing me - within self-sabotage. I assist myself to walk out of the noise in my head and bring myself back here to instead of being directed by desire for happiness - equalise myself with /as pain - which comes from not being equal to/as my body -  having no intimate real relationship with/as it -so to assist myself to estabkish a real relationship with my body - support its structure as i move and express and function - slooooooooow myself down - and embrace the totality of pain - as the physical substance - as who i am, as all - embracing the consequence of everything that i have created, manifested - the outflows etc. knowing that walking the totality of my creation within and without from the time i can remember to now- will i be able to stop the mind - as it is within embracing all the relationships i have created, stopping the charge i have given the word, manifestation, expression etc.can i see the values i have given it and each and every relationship i have created - and seeing that - i can take the relationships down, as i stop giving charge and value to it -take self-responsibility moment by moment breath by breath - and stop it - and in that embracing all the pain that the elephant suffers - equal to the pain in my body - equal to the substance that my body is made of - can i  equalise with it and in taking self-responsibility for the consequence i have created 'within and without' - i am assisting myself to be in a position where i can stop participation in the creation of both - with/as my mind - with/as my body - accepting and allowing myself to equalise my 'within and without' - for within that embracing of all parts of me -taking responsibility for all that i have done in the name of self-interest - self-forgiving - and committing to correction - giving self to self - accept and allow me to birth me here standing for what is best for all.

I commit myself to delete the memories, as pictures, as desires within and as myself - and let go of the separation  within and as myself and stand with the physical breath by breath moment by moment.

I commit myself to expose the abuses to elephants and all animals as a whole in my blogs

I commit myself to call on activists and humane societies to - rather than ask the system for reform and be the 'rebel' rebelling against authority - to instead assist in establishing a new system based on equality and create a world that truly honors life  - where animals and plants will be supported and treated asequals - and stop slaughter of both plants and animals for profit.

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